Monday, 30 April 2018

Me and Mine in April

I have forgotten several times this month that it was actually April.  The middle of the month heatwave felt more similar to a warm July day and as the children played in the garden in just their nappies and the thermostat read 25, it felt like Summer had really arrived.   The end of the month felt closer to November as temperatures dropped to seven degrees in the middle of the day and we bundled up in jumpers and coats, swapping our ice creams for hot chocolate.  

It has been a really fun April though, with two UK breaks, school news and the bold move on my part to pack away the winter boots in favour of sandals (a decision I have been regretting all weekend). Let's pray that May is more consistently sunny!

This month I have loved exploring new parts of the country, eating ice cream at the beach,  buying summer dresses (in the hope it returns) and having my sister back home after her winter season in France

Ed has loved winning the family quiz at Crealy, planning summer festivals, drinking beer in the garden and going to see Ed Byrne.

Dylan has loved finding out that he got into his first choice Junior school, revisiting Blackgang Chine on the Isle of Wight, learning to drive at Crealy Adventure Park and moving up to the next level with swimming lessons.

Archie has loved stomping in the mud at Crealy, moving up to the next swimming lessons, having his arm out of the sling now that his collar bone is healed and sunny days at the park

Finn has loved going on his first rollercoaster at Crealy, roaring at the dinosaurs at Blackgang Chine, doing an extra couple of hours on his two afternoons at nursery and going swimming with Aunty NatNat.

Cora has loved going down the waterslides when we go swimming, chasing and catching her friends, her new purple wellies and using the potty more and more.

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