I really had no preference when I was pregnant the first time, it didn't even occur to me to want one or the other, but when we found out we were pregnant with number two I was secretly hoping it was a second little boy - with the close age gap I could imagine myself with two little boys, driving trains around the living room, kicking a football together at the park and sitting under a blanket together watching films one day.
Finding out about our third little baby was a shock, and what I wanted more than a choice of gender was a baby who would stay small that bit longer. Dylan grew so fast and Archie grew up so fast, I wanted a baby. I got my wish, maybe too much as Finn took so long to grow, but at 10 months he still feels very much like a baby. He still fits perfectly in my arms, still sleeps cosily on my chest and he has the calmness of a baby much younger than himself at times.
After having Finn, with this baby, my one wish if I was to be granted one is that he or she is born healthy. That I can spend those precious first weeks enjoying my little bundle rather than worrying whether he would survive and what quality of life he would have. I want a baby I can have at home with me, who can settle straight into his or her place in our new bigger family. Whether this baby is a girl or boy really isn't my priority, I fully understand the fact that healthy is the most important thing.
Somedays I think I would really like a little girl, I spot something adorable that a boy just couldn't pull off, I think about my favourite girls names that we have never had an opportunity to use and I wonder what life with a daughter would be like. Other days I think a little boy would complete our family, a little buddy for Finn, a quad of boys that will grow up so close together. I naturally gravitate towards the boys section in shops, I love my sons and another would be amazing.
I don't feel like I 'know' as much as I did with the other three. I was so certain they were boys, and whilst my head still tells me this is another, I haven't bought anything yet, I don't have the same conviction. In many ways this pregnancy is very much the same. I have escaped the nausea and sickness again and my biggest symptoms are tiredness and a rapidly expanding waistline. My cravings are still a mix of sweet, salty and dairy with macaroni cheese, ready salted crisps and flake bars coming top of the list - very similar to the others. There are differences though, noticeably in that the tiredness this time has been exhaustion and debilitating at times. I have had my first tastes of heartburn (probably because I lay down for most of the day) and the skin on my face is suddenly incredibly dry.
Congrats Bex. I vote for a happy baby, too. Still can't wait to find out. I had a boy first and got nervous about the possibility of a girl as I knew what to do with a boy. She is nine months now, and so far just and individual baby with her own personality as they all have just the nappy procedure is slightly less difficult really :) no fountains
ReplyDeleteMY boys are so different I really can't imagine how a girl would change things. I still think boy though
DeleteWell I really hope you get your wish :). We got a lot of similar questions when I was expecting Pip and I had much the same answer! It's very exciting to think that you'll be finding out so soon, I hope you have a lot of fun at your scan :)
ReplyDeleteI don't have the patience to wait although I commend all that do. Hopefully the scan can tell!
DeleteI am secretly hoping the bloke is right. Tutus and tiara's at the photo shoot would be my choice every time.I think I am as excited as you to find out.
ReplyDeleteI still don't think I could do the princess thing, maybe the odd touch of pink, but I can't imagine going overly girly even if it was a little girl
DeleteIt would drive you crazy wondering alright, my husbands family are all boys and the saying is that their family only make boys so the pressure was on me to provide a girl - we have 1 boy now already and baby number 2 is in the way - looking forward to finding out if it's a boy or a girl! Best of luck with your pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteMy other half is one of four brothers - another reason it makes sense that this is boy number 4! I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly
DeleteI am wishing that this is a happy, healthy baby. To come home soon after the birth and be able to just enjoy that baby. Lots of love Bex x
ReplyDeleteEchoing Donna in that I hope you get your wish to be able to enjoy those newborn days without worry and hospitals.
ReplyDeleteAww I hope everything goes well and a healthy happy baby is most important like you say. Both of my pregnancies were much the same although second time round I was so exhausted I would fall asleep at 7pm and that would be me for the night! I also craved more sweet than savory but then everyone's different. I had a boy first time round and then a girl. Sometimes I think about having another but I'm not sure I could handle the stress haha :)