Tuesday, 12 January 2016

What the Boys Wore - Tootsa MacGinty

It is fair to say that the lovely November and December weather we have had is a distant memory now that the January rain has descended.  Dylan is back at school and on the two days he has off each weekend, the weather is rarely nice enough to do much outdoors.  We try not to let it stop us and this weekend we took the scooters and Smartrike down to the seafront to blow off the cobwebs.

Things didn't go to plan, as they often don't this time of year,  The long stretch of seafront we were planning to walk along was shut off as they were doing building works and as soon as we got down there it started raining.  The walk from our house down to the sea was lovely though and we found our favourite little cafe on the prom for some cheesy chips and a hot cup of tea.  

The boys were sent some beautiful clothes from one of our favourite brands, Tootsa MacGinty which I have been trying to photograph for a couple of weeks but the rain seems to always get in the way.  The shots I was hoping for by the sea had to be rethought so I have only a few from the journey down there to share.

Tootsa clothes are designed to be unisex, well made and perfect for handing down to siblings and with three boys and a fourth baby on the way this is really important for us.  I absolutely love their knits, especially Archie's cardigan and the boys cords are matching but in different colours and both have little foxes poking out the back pockets.  The trousers are fully lined in a warm jersey cotton, have adjustable waists and look and feel so comfortable.  For my active duo they are perfect, offering flexibility and comfort as well as being hard wearing.

Finn was sent a beautiful outfit too, although it was too cold to get his jumper out.  His leggings are covered in clouds and rainbows (I find it hard to resist anything with clouds and rainbows on) and two different coloured cuffs.  I love how unique they and the jumper he has goes so well.  Keep an eye out on social media as I will be getting some photos of him as soon as it is back out of the wash!

Tootsa Macginty has a huge sale on at the moment so you can grab a bargain.  All the items featured here are now half price.  If you are in between sizes I would suggest sizing up.


  1. Oh we're big fans over here too - Kitty's first Tootsa jumper has only just reluctantly been handed down to Elma and I think Pip might have to wrestle her for it when his turn comes!!

  2. Your kids have such great style - I love the colours! x

  3. Wow I love ALL of those outfits. Popping over to the sale now! Fingers crossed they have things for my wee boy

  4. What beautiful photos! The jumpers looks so colourful and warm, will have to check out this brand. And I LOVE those rainbow cloud leggings! xx

  5. Your boys always look amazing! I've seen so many lovely clothes from Tootsa but haven't actually bought any for Toby and Gabe yet. I'm supposed to be reining in my spending but I might just have to go and check out the sale! #funkykidfriday

  6. I love Tootsa so so much! Bea has the dress version of those trousers and it's just gorgeous!

    Thanks for linking up to #FunkyKidFriday xxx


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