Thursday, 23 October 2014

The (Pre)School Run

Dylan started preschool in September, and after three years of living on our own schedule, it was a shock to the system for us all.  We are not a family of early risers, and we didn't like to rush our waking up.  Cuddles on the sofa with milk were followed by a leisurely breakfast, a little play and then dressed ready for our day.  If we had a late night, we had a lie in, if we had nowhere to be then pyjamas until lunchtime is standard!  After three years of living life our way, the preschool routine has set in, and this is it now, quite possibly forever, as preschool is followed by school, and secondary school and work.

As it happens, the little guy adores preschool, and our preschool run is exactly that, a run.  His little legs work hard and run all the way there, eager to see his friends whilst I walk fast with Archie snug in the buggy.  This works quite well as we are usually running late as well!  It is less than half a mile each way so it doesn't take us long at all.

This month is international walk to school month, and whilst at the moment there isn't really another option for us, the fresh air first thing helps kick start our day and Archie and I have a much more productive morning now we are out and about pre-9am!  So far we have done the journey in sandals, enjoying the last of the summer sun, in sneakers kicking the crunchy autumn leaves out the way, and in wellies jumping in the puddles on the way.  The rush to get ready is balanced by the energy of the walk and whilst I am not 'looking forward' to the walk in the depths of winter, I know we will be making the most of it too.

Kiddicare are encouraging people to walk to school (or nursery) this month, and they sent Archie his gorgeous new footmuff to make sure that he stays snuggly as we do it.  With the average school run costing £400 per year, I feel like we deserve after preschool treats more often with the money we are saving too.

Do you walk the school run?


  1. We don't walk at the moment as the girls' nursery is in town but I'm looking forward to next year when we can walk to school - I'm not looking forward to the morning organising though!

  2. We're in a similar boat to you but the dude is at pre-school in the afternoons rather than mornings. We still walk there and back but have the luxury of a lie-in .... well, I say lie-in but really I mean 7am. Not really a lie-in, hey? ;-)

  3. Glad he's loving preschool! I am so not a morning person either! If we were doing preschool it would be a literal run for us too! I love these pics, so cute. And that footmuff looks like the cosiest thing.

  4. Ahh what a happy wee guy!
    We walk but it's just round the corner :) I must admit the getting there everyday for 8.50 is hard though :-/ x


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