We wave at him, and we wave at Mummy and Archie's shadows too. We walk round corners and behind trees to see if he is still there and we say goodbye when we finally make it home. Every now and again then we look for him, with the obvious place being the least obvious place for Dylan to look.
His fascination knows no bounds and a trip to Canterbury at the weekends was all the more enjoyable as we followed our shadows down the high street, jumping, running and exploring how it moved.
I have tried to explain the science, but at not yet two and a half, Dylan prefers the magic, his black shadow, who is always there to keep him company.
My little man loves finding his shadow. And back in the summer he would play for ages with his shadow, which was so cute. His little sister is just finding hers now and she'll spin around and laugh when she sees hers. No end of fun! x