Monday 13 January 2014

Just a Little Boy

I expect a lot from Dylan, I expect him to eat well and to go to sleep nicely when I tell him it is bed time. to play nicely with his friends and his brother. To look out for Archie, to be polite to family, friends and strangers.  To say please and Thank you in the right places.  Not to wake me up until 8am.  To understand danger and not run out in the road.  

He is a chatterbox and as we chat, I take for granted that he understands me, that he can express what he wants and how he feels.  I look for him to tell me that he is tired, hungry, scared or sad.  When we talk, about everything and anything, I often forget that he is not yet two and a half, that he is still just a little boy.

Photo taken by Ask Sharina Kent

When we are at home, he is confident, he challenges me, he is curious and he wants to discuss everything.  He asks me what we are going to do today, at what time, with who.  He tells me what he wants to play, to read or to watch.  He sits alone with his puzzles, a determined look on his face as he tries to place the pieces together in a way that makes sense.  He lounges in the corner, narrating a book to the room, telling us what is on each page - unable to read the words, but more than capable of interpreting the pictures.  

We decide to go out, so he fetches his shoes and coat, and a jacket for Archie too, reminding me to pack some snacks in the nappy bag.  He lets me know whether he fancies a ride in the buggy or whether he would rather walk.  He holds my hand, or stays close to the buggy, checking for cars before we cross the road, pointing out shapes in the street, from the circle drain covers, to the long yellow lines, to the rectangle post boxes.

He is my little buddy as we giggle together and share a joke.

But then something will happen, a dog will bark too loudly, a stranger will talk to him that he isn't sure about, he will trip as he walks, and suddenly I see my little boy, not yet two and a half, still learning about the world around him, still gaining vocabulary daily and with so much beyond his understanding.

As we discuss the moon and I try to explain, on his insistence, why we can sometimes see a full moon and sometimes only a slither, and I get a look of confusion back, I have to remember that he is two years old, just a little boy.  

I find it hard sometimes, the contrast between the intelligent child that is learning to read and count, and the toddler that needs me so much still, whose falls can be mended with mummy kisses and who comes and finds me in the kitchen because he really needs a kiss and a cuddle.  The little boy who is more than capable of taking himself off to bed and tucking himself in, but who sucks his thumb and cuddles his ducky as he drifts off.  My big boy, and my baby.


  1. I find I am always reminding myself that Cherry is only three, she started talking at such an early age and I think because of that we expected so much from her. I forget that she is still learning so much every day, it must be so hard for them x

    1. Dylan has amazing language and I do think it makes a difference definitely x

  2. I totally understand. I find the same thing with my daughter. She is a school girl now and has always been so advanced for her age and she acts very grown up. She's my little best friend, always has been. But because of this io do forget she's only five and in the grand scheme of things five is still quite little. I have to remember that five year olds need to be five year olds. They've got plenty of time to be big kids when they are well.... Big!

    1. Exactly, I don't want him to grow up any faster than he has to, once you are a grown up you can never go backwards but sometimes it is so hard to remember this

  3. I feel the same. In many ways, I can see that Talitha is a big girl. She keeps telling me so! And she has this unshakeable logic about the way she thinks things through. But then she'll tantrum about something that makes absolutely no sense to me or she'll want a cuddle just because and I remember that she is only little. She is still a baby.

    1. Talitha sounds just like Dylan, growing up so fast but there are those moments that remind you of their innocence and childishness still x

  4. Absolutely love, love this post. How precious our babies are even when they still aren't babies. I am starting a new linky called "Melt Your Heart Moments" this is for sure the stuff I love to read and want linked up. So stay tuned. I hope you will link up especially with post like these. So sweet. The pictures are great !

    1. Ohh, will come and have a look at your linky as I do write a lot of soppy stuff! x

  5. What a beautiful post. The things you say are so true - they are so grown up, but still need us so much.

  6. Such a lovely post! Happy times xxx

  7. Aww what a beautiful post! I feel the same about mine, it's almost hard to comprehend! x

  8. Oh my, that brought tears to my eyes! That's so very sweet. xxx


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