Thursday, 16 January 2014

Little Tikes Playdate

At the end of November the boys and I were invited along to a playdate hosted by Little Tikes.  It was a chance to get together with other blogger friends, let the little ones play with some lovely new toys, and have a chat about the different stages of playing, learning anf interacting.

My boys obviously play very differently.  Dylan is all about the imagination and loves cooking in his little kitchen and serving me pretend coffee and cake throughout the day.  Archie on the other hand prefers to chew his toys, and press buttons of course! The Little Tikes range has different toys for the four distinct personalities; little learners, little movers, little builders and explorers and little grown ups. 

It was lovely to be able to sit back and just watch them and with such lovely toys on offer we were able to do just that.  In fact, the boys barely wanted to stop for lunch, they were having so much fun playing!  There were toys set up for each group and something for everyone.

The most popular toy with both the boys was the pirate water table and we ended up with some very wet trousers and dungarees once they had finished splashing!  It offered opportunities for everyone, from exploring different textures for the littlest ones, to washing up boats for those little grown ups.

It was interesting to see that stereotypes make no difference to how the children play either, with Dylan heading straight for the princess cozy coupe as soon as we arrived.

We had a lovely time at the playdate catching up with other bloggers and their children and the day was made even better when Father Christmas turned up to give the children some lovely gifts!

Disclaimer:  We were invited along to this play date by the folks at Little Tikes who paid for our travel and sent us home with some lovely goodies,  All thoughts and opinions are completely my own though and the children were utterly enraptured by the colourful toys.


  1. That looks like amazing fun! I so wish I had a playroom that I could just plastic up and let te kids go crazy in! Looks like they had a fab time ;P xx

  2. Pirate ships are always fun. Looks like a good day out had :)

  3. Looks like you had a lot of fun x


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