Wednesday, 20 November 2013

December 1st Advent Box

This year for us is about starting our own traditions.  Dylan will understand so much more than last year, and I can't wait to show him how magical and fun the festive time can be.  From putting up the tree and covering the house in festive red and gold to watching those classics like Miracle on 34th street and Elf.  This year we will be visiting Santa, seeing the reindeer at the zoo and making gifts for family and friends.  It will be Archie's first Christmas too and I want to make it perfect for him.

For me, December 1st marks the beginning of Christmas, and from that day on, anything is acceptable. Christmas music, films and socks, decorations and glitter.  This year on December 1st, there will be an advent Christmas Box waiting for us when we wake up.  A box to symbolise that our festive fun is just beginning.

The contents will be what we need to put us in the mood for everything December has in stock.  We will each have a pair (or three) of festive socks and the littlest member of the house has a lovely penguin bib that I bought from Funky Giraffe when I was pregnant.

I have included a picture bauble to make with Dylan, and a First Christmas decoration for Archie that I picked up at the Baby Show.  We have some crafty bits; stickers, festive sprinkles and paper chains to keep us busy for a few days as we decorate the house.

There is a seasonal film to get us in the mood, perfect for those cold and cosy evenings and I want to add in a new story book too, but I haven't found the perfect one yet.

Alongside this box, will be the homemade advent calendar that I have been busy creating and a Playmobil advent calendar that we were sent as part of our role as Playologists.

Last but certainly not least, I want to fill the box with ideas of things to do together in the month of December.  From creating Christmas cards, finding the best Christmas lights, decorating gingerbread men to making snow angels.  I want the box to be the beginning of a month of celebration in every sense.

It is only something little, but I hope that it will be something big to my boys, the promise of magic to come, the start of an exciting month and a little cheer on what will undoubtedly be a chilly day.


  1. That's a lovely idea Bex, I might have to borrow that one from you if I can get it all sorted before the first. Will be sure to credit you x

  2. I love this idea, makes the day extra special :)

  3. That's such a brilliant idea, might have to try that ourselves!

  4. This is a nice idea! I am doing a Christmas Eve box this year for the first time :-)

  5. We did this last year and my (then) 3yr old loved it. Think it will be even better this year.

  6. What a fantastic idea. I might have to create one for each of my boys. Thanks for sharing :-)

  7. I love this - my 6 month old will have no idea whats going on so I might steal the idea for next year instead!!

  8. Lovely idea! I'm doing a Christmas Eve Box for the box this year x


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