Thursday, 11 April 2013

Dylan Right Now

Dylan is now 20 months - only four months until he turns 2!

Dylan recognises and can say lots of colours now, including green, red, blue, yellow, pink, orange, grey and white

Dylan would live on oranges given half the chance.

Dylan's favourite words to say are pushchair, kitchen, octopus and door.

Dylan is definitely a bit of a Grandma's boy.

Dylan is loving learning his numbers.

Dylan is enjoying big brotherhood and likes to hold Archie's hand and point out all of his facial features (especially while Archie is trying to enjoy some milk!).

Dylan's favourite books are 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and 'The Gruffalo'

Dylan wakes up in the morning with the most ridiculous bed hair and always asking for Cheerios and Lego.

Dylan has recently started climbing onto the sofa and chairs, but he still likes help.

Dylan has size 6 feet and is wearing age 2-3 clothes.

Dylan loves to watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates (just for the songs), The Snowman and the Skeleton Dance.

Dylan sleeps with Duckie, an owl cushion, a dog and a bear in his cot.

Dylan is completely and utterly gorgeous.


  1. This is a fab post. Was lovely to meet him yesterday. Octopus is such a hard word. How cleverxxx

    1. He does tend to miss out the T, but he loves the word for some reason! Lovely to meet you and your gorgeous two as well x

  2. Awww, so sweet. How lovely to have a record of what he was in to at 20 months. I bet in 4 months time it all will have changed loads. x

    1. He is changing so fast! I hope his favourite words have changed by then as there is only so many times you can talk about octopus!

  3. Aww what a lovely post, haha at the bed hair! ;) Bless him! xo

    1. It is pretty amazing bed hair! He has had a chop now which helps but it still looks pretty static first thing

  4. What a lovely age to look back on! And I agree he is very gorgeous! x

  5. Ohh what a beautiful post :)
    So lovely to see beautiful natural pictures of him and to know what he's all about.
    Such a beautiful little boy,
    x x x

    1. There is so much I could say about him right now as it is such a fantastic age! x

  6. He is gorgeous an what beautiful pictures x

  7. He certainly is gorgeous! And if he's 20 months, Bear must be too! Oops! Wishing her life away in my subconscious. Lol! He's way ahead of her though, although she did learn to say amimals at the museum yesterday!

  8. Such beautiful pictures of Dylan, he is looking so grown up now xx


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