Monday, 1 April 2013

Easter Egg Hunting

After reading an amazing blog post on Lucy's blog Capture by Lucy, I was inspired to set up an Easter egg hunt for Dylan.  The little dude is too young for too much chocolate, but old enough to join in the fun so I thought that this hunt was perfect for him.   As our garden doesn't have too many hiding spots, I thought it would be great to pop down to the local park with it being at the end of our road, and as I was doing it in the  park, I decided to invite some of Dylan's friends.

I spent Good Friday evening cutting egg shapes out of Dulux paint charts, and armed with some pound shop pegs, I set about hiding them around the park this morning.  15 of Dylan's friends turned up at half past ten and spent the morning hunting out the paper eggs in the little bags I had decorated.  

Once they had finished hunting, I swapped the paper eggs in their bags for a small chocolate egg, small plastic egg full of raisins and some bubbles and it was time to play on the swings and slides.  It was lovely to see them all together playing outside, and luckily the sun was shining for us!  Dylan managed to fall asleep on the walk back from the park and with it taking all of 60 seconds I was very impressed - I think there were lots of tired toddlers by the end of the morning!

We had a lovely morning, and I have all my paint chart eggs ready for another little hunt next year!  


  1. Aw what a lovely idea and lovely to invite lots of his little friends along- it looks like you had a great day. x

  2. Wow! Well done. I need to start getting a bit more adventurous with what I do with my wee man. I love that so many of his friends joined in the fun as well!

  3. We had such a lovely time thank you for organising it xx

  4. What a fab idea! You really are organised! Looks like they all had lots of fun! xx

  5. That is fantastic - what a brilliant thing to do. I bet all the parents like you as much as the children! :D

    Gorgeous weather too!

  6. What a lovely idea! Happy Easter to your beautiful family x

  7. I can't believe you had the enrgy for this - good on you! I bet the little ones loved it and next year you'll have two to chase around!

  8. Well done you, you did such a good job. Looks like so much fun x

  9. Wow you are awesome, what a fab idea, much better than putting chocolate eggs out xx

  10. I love that. I was also inspired by Lucy's post and really wanted to do it here at Coombe Mill, but my kids were having none of it! I might just do it anyway next year for the younger children here. Lovely to see ideas being shared and used from Country Kids.

  11. I loved that idea on Lucy's blog too! Looks fab!


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