Friday, 23 November 2012

Pregnancy the Second Time Around

Being pregnant for the first time is an exciting and nervous experience.  I remember reading blogs and watching pregnancy vlogs on a daily basis and I could always tell you exactly how big baby was, what stage in development he was at and anything else you may possibly want to know.  I became a pregnancy geek, with a bookcase full of information and always looking for an excuse to discuss the amazing feats my body was capable of.

During my first pregnancy, I spent every day admiring my growing bump.  I sat there with my hands on my bare belly feeling the little dude kick and spent hours in the bath chatting and bonding with my unborn child.  I planned colour schemes for the nursery, researched the meanings of names I liked and made list upon list of things we would need, things we might want, luxuries, essentials and brands I had heard good things about.  Every purchase was well thought out and every decision very conscious.

With my first pregnancy, I was incredibly cautious, never lifting anything above the recommended 5kg limit, never eating blue cheese or pate, never doing anything that may be on a 'forbidden' list.  I was adamant that I would do pregnancy perfectly and follow the text book.

38 weeks pregnant, pregnant bridesmaid, pregnant couple

My first pregnancy has given me a gorgeous little boy and I loved every single second of it.  The second time around though, I haven the very same little boy along on the journey, and things are going rather differently!

This time, I
barely remember how many weeks gone I am, and the time is flying past!  I have no time to just sit and 'be pregnant' as there is now an active toddler to entertain and chase around after.  I am lucky that some other bloggers that I read are also going through similar stages in their pregnancy as I do still get to catch up and connect with others at the same stage as me.  I haven't had a chance to re-read the books and in all honesty, I trust my body this time to be doing the right thing and building me a nice healthy baby.  It is only 18 months ago that I was at the same stage of pregnancy and I remember when to expect tiredness, growth and movement.  It is still so familiar, I feel no need to check up as long as I am feeling healthy and squish is kicking and wriggling away in there.

This pregnancy,  I find myself getting comfortable in bed after a long day playing in the park, sorting shapes, going to baby groups and reading books, and feeling the little guy stretch out.  I find it incredibly reassuring as I lose track of how much he is moving during the day when I spend so much of it crawling round the floor, carrying a toddler and just generally being so occupied with the child that is more demanding of my attention. 

I already feel a strong love and affection for squish, but I do not feel the same bond that I had with Dylan at this stage and I am sad that I don't have the time to sit and enjoy things so much.  I think that as the birth gets more imminent and the movements get even stronger, this second little bundle will seem more real and I already cannot wait to meet him.

This time, our purchases will be based on prior experience and necessity.  We know what we will need and use, and we know what was not worth splashing out on.  There are no lists as yet as there are very few things that we need to buy other than some weather appropriate clothing ( winter rather than summer newborn) and a double pushchair.  With moving house, Dylan's room has become the priority and Squish's will be done as and when we have the time and money for it.  I am still looking forward to picking colours and designs, but I know it will be months before he sleeps in there so I am in no real rush to get it done.

This pregnancy,  I have no choice but to carry around a 14kg child.  I have no choice but to bend down and pick him up off of the floor and as my body is already used to his weight, I can only hope that my back will stay strong.  I may have given in to my love of goat's cheese on pizza a couple of times, but I am generally still very cautious and would never touch alcohol, cigarettes or anything I was worried about.  This pregnancy is flying by in comparison to my first, and although I am still enjoying it as much, things are very different.  I am glad I took the time to make the most of my first and savor every minute as I know I will never get to have that same experience again.

How have you found that your pregnancies differ?  Do you have any regrets?


  1. I think, in ny second and third, it waa time. I missed taking that tjmw and watching how my stomach would move x

    1. My goodness!! Hope you can understand that!! My phone had a funny 5 mins I think haha x

  2. It is funny the second time around- no less amazing, just different, because we are so busy looking after toddlers.


  3. well said! As you know I've felt it all very different this time too. Feel almost guilty that I'm not doting too but time just flies by and my little girl my focus at the minute. Will be good to see how things change and develop when our little ones arrive x

  4. Nothing beats the first time! Now with your second, you already have enough idea and knowledge, but you still must be prepared for whatever you might encounter. Anyway, don't feel sad that you might lose quality time with Dylan. I'm sure that you can manage your time and still be able to give him enough attention.


I love comments, so please let me know what you think!

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