Thursday, 29 November 2012

Dylan's New Nursery

Moving house has taken a lot longer than it did last time and I am inclined to blame the 15 month old who has a rather different idea of unpacking boxes!  I am proud to say that one room in the house is now 'done' though and hopefully the rest of it is not far behind.  

Dylan's new nursery is bigger than his last one and was painted a dark shade of brown when we moved in.  Although the colour was lovely, all of his furniture is white, grey and light blue and so we decided to paint the walls before settling him in there.  At our last house, I spent a long time dreaming up my perfect nursery and lovingly cut out wallpaper shapes for a feature wall, matching the carpet and paint and designing the whole room around this wallpaper.
Unfortunately this time I do not have the same amount of time and money and his room is not quite the perfect haven it once was.  It won't be long until we are redecorating though and we have already been discussing themes for a fun toddler room - animals, cars, underwater . . .

Even though the perfectionist in me is disappointed, his room looks lovely and with more space we have more options.  His furniture is a set from Mamas and Papas in white, and his bedding is a lovely grey and white set from Matalan.  His toy chest was a Christmas present last year, along with his Dylan train, and the wall pictures are hand painted (not by me though!)

His room still feels calm and quiet - perfect for encouraging a great sleep routine.  He is still too little to spend much time playing in there, but it won't be long until the nursing chair migrates to Squish's room and we would love to get a little bookcase and beanbag to fill the space and give him a quiet corner.  

Next up is the living room which I have set myself a deadline of Saturday for so we can start getting ready for Christmas, but whether it will be done on time, you will just have to wait and see!


  1. What a lovely little room he has.
    Were currently decorating our little boys room, and its taking much longer then expected.

    1. We went for simple this time and just painted - haven't chosen a theme for the little squish yet, good luck!

  2. Really lovely colour - it took ages to get littl'uns room sorted when we moved - she was 15 months as well and ended up in my room for a good few months whilst hers served as a store room.

    1. Luckily we have a 3rd bedroom so D slept in there surrounded by boxes and suitcases whilst we got his ready!

  3. The nursery looks lovely hun. You did a great job. x

  4. All this decorating before christmas!!!! I love his 'clean room' - wonder how long that'll last... We've done Dex's too - it's my favourite room in the house. Love a good nursery :-)

    1. He doesn't really play in there much so hoping it stays clean for a while! Have Squish's nursery to design now :)

  5. It looks great. I think it's generally better to keep the basics pretty simple and then you can snaz it up with a theme that's more easily changeable as children grow. My little man has a name train too, but his is the coloured one. X

    1. That is our plan - simple walls are easy to do things with but I am in no hurry for him to grow up just yet! x


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