Thursday 1 November 2012

Moving House

I have recently discovered that there is nothing more stressful than moving house.  I have moved before - several times in fact but I have never had so much 'stuff' to sort out and pack, and I have never had a toddler around to 'help' out.  

house keys, moving house

I was quite relaxed in the lead up to the big event, thinking how long exacvtly can it really take to pack up one's life?  The answer is
a long time!  Yesterday my mum was kind enough to take Dylan out for the afternoon so that I could do some packing and the result is huge piles of boxes full of  'stuff' and a house that looks just as full as when I started!

I am excited about our new house.  We are moving because where we live currently will not have enough space when there are two tiny terrors around and the thought of moving with two children is more terrifying than moving with one.  We have a lovely new house not far at all from where we are now, which has much more space both downstairs and upstairs, which in my head means I can buy more shoes to fill it with but the reality is that it will house the toys and equipment for two growing boys and maybe give us some space to relax in as well.

packing up, moving house, stacked boxes

Luckily we did plan for moving to take a little longer than the one day I usually allow and we have a week to change over the properties. Unfortunately I am starting to wonder whether a week is quite long enough?!   The boxes are piling up but I don't seem to be making a dent!  

My favourite part, well okay then, the only part I actually enjoy, of moving is that some things that have been waiting months to be done are finally getting organised.  As I pack up my wardrobe I find myself throwing out clothes that haven't been worn in more years than I care to remember, and I find things that will work well as maternity wear that I had completely forgotten about.  I have also packed away in labelled boxes all of Dylan's old clothes, meaning we are one step closer to being ready for Squish to arrive in only a few short months. I am an expert at procrastination, but I find it very therapeutic to sort things out so hopefully the new house will be much more organised and clearer than the current one!

baby clothes sorted, packing boxes, moving house, storage solution kid's clothes

We still have the main move to do over the weekend and I am hoping that on Saturday night we will be sleeping in our new house for the first time.  Wish us luck! 


  1. Good luck with the move, we moved when my little one was 18months. !t was hectic! I also did the same with his baby clothes, unfortunately I didn't label the boxes well. Putting 'BABY' on each box means I now have to open each one to find out what sizes are inside! Doh!

    1. Oops! Whilst moving I found a few more bags of things to sort so still not finished! So far he is coping well with the move though x

  2. We relocated a few months ago at it was hell. Took ages to pack up everything. I started doing it all nicely labelling everything then in the end I didn't care and just started chucking things in boxes lol
    Hope your move goes well

    1. Exactly the same here! The last boxes are completely mis matched and I have no idea what is in them!

  3. Ugh I hate moving, I moved so many times between uni and when we bought our first house- I am now staying firmly put here for a few years. Especially because all my last houses were rented and this one is actually furnished with our furniture- no way do I want to be moving that for a while! Yuck!

    Good luck with the move, once you are there and settled it will feel amazing! x

    1. We are still renting but with all our own furniture which means there is a lot to move! Hoping this is it for quite a while though as moving with one child is hard enough!

  4. I have all this to come. Moving at the end of the month. Must get organising.

  5. Hope it all went well honey! I am jealous I would love more space esp like you say with baby 2 en route but at the same time the idea of even moving with one fills me with fear so well done you! Hope you are settled ok xxx

    1. Moving is certainly stressful but the hard part is over now and feeling quite settled in new house already! Don't plan to move for quite a while now though!

  6. Hope the move went well! Such a stressful time but at least you are doing it with plenty of time before baby number two comes along :)

  7. I hope all went right and you slept well on Saturday night in your new house. I wish you all the best!

  8. I feel you! We just moved house over the weekend. I threw a lot of stuff while packing, and then I threw more when I was unpacking and just left clothes and stuff that we only "really" use. I learned to let go of things, which for me, is quite a big deal as I am known to have a problem with letting go. I have to say, it is very fulfilling! I never though I would feel a sense of accomplishment just by letting go of stuff I dont need! Lol! Plus I lesser things to organize, and more space in the new closet, which means, I could buy more shoes and clothes! Lol

  9. Moving house is a nightmare! Haven't had to do it in almost two years, thank goodness! Hope the move went as well as you expected.


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