Thursday, 15 November 2012

26 Weeks Pregnant

The weeks seem to be flying by and I really don't feel ready for another baby yet so I am hoping that things start slowing down now and that Squish is happy to wait out another 12 weeks at least in my tummy.  Bump growth is definitely slowed although when I look at pictures from my last pregnancy I think they are very similarly sized for the same stage.

26 week bump, 26 weeks second pregnancy, bump squish

On the Inside

I am pretty sure this baby is
using my bladder as a bouncy castle as I seem to spend most of my day locating the nearest toilet.  Luckily he has a bit more wriggle room at night and I am not having to get up then (yet).  I am feeling the kicks much stronger and I love watching my belly bounce around as he stretches and explores.  
I am definitely starting to get more out of breath when I walk up hills with the pushchair or run up the stairs too fast but am still ignoring it and refusing to do any less.  We have moved house in the last fortnight, and I decided to ignore the pregnancy and get on with it for a week, packing, moving, lifting and generally over exerting myself.  I think this may have been half the cause of the cold I had at the same time!

Generally I am still feeling quite well and am enjoying what is left of the second trimester and my remaining energy.  I haven't done much planning for the baby yet as it still seems so far off that he will actually be here but I know it is time to start thinking about painting his room, digging out the crib sheets and choosing some potential names!

On the Outside

I am starting to run out of clothes that I am happy to stretch and many of my tops are no longer covering the bump so I have invested in even more maternity wear.  I have justified it as another three months of wear, and we may have to have a third baby just to get our money's worth! hehe.  I bought some lovely plain vests and long sleeved tops from Matalan as basics as well as some other funky bits but am still without a maternity coat and it is starting to get chilly!

The bump is very clearly visible and I am often stopped by strangers who want to ask me questions about pregnancy.  I had a little girl come up to me on the street and ask if she could feel my baby kick which was a little strange but I am not too fussy about people touching as long as they ask first.  

No new stretch marks as yet and the lovely people at MaterniCare have sent me some of their stretch mark cream as well to try and keep it that way!  It is lovely and easy to apply and dries in very fast leaving bump feeling smooth and not oily.  It seems to be doing the trick as bump is not getting itchy yet either!

I have my flu jab booked in for the weekend and I am absolutely dreading it as I have a real fear of needles but will be nice to have it out the way and I know it is best for me and baby.

Hoping the next two weeks go smoothly and then I will be safely into the third trimester and home straight!


  1. The bump is looking lovely- I hope mine is slowing down or I am going to look like an elephant soon. I find myself overdoing it, I have been needing to step back a little more- the days I am not at work by the time it is naptime I am absolutely knackered! I can't believe we will soon be in the third trimester. Scary! x

    1. I think it is very easy to over do it with a toddler to run around after! Hope you start getting more rest x

  2. I have similar problems with the whole maternity coat. I was luckily given a far-too-big-for-me-coat back in September which is now the only coat that fits me but I look like I am a little girl dressed in my mother's clothing and it definitely won't fit me for many more weeks. It was -1 here in Berlin this morning and can get to -20 in the day time in the worst of Winters so I have no idea what I am going to do then as I refuse to stretch my money to a maternity coat for just two months!!!

    1. I think I definitely would have given in to a coat already if it was that cold! Have you looked on ebay for some second hand bargains? x

  3. You look amazing!

    Flus shots are very painless. I was scared too, and I could barely feel a thing, only a light pinch.

    1. Just had mine and proud to say there were no tears! I am rewarding myself with cake though, I think it is only fair!

  4. That is a lovely bump! You are looking fab. I can't believe how quickly time is going, I've got 18 weeks left and that suddenly just doesn't seem like very long! xx

    1. Second pregnancy is so much faster, isn't it! Hope next 18 weeks go smoothly for you x

  5. You are looking great. I got my flu jab and whooping cough last week they are ok. Glad you are doing ok. Hugs x

    1. I have whooping cough in two weeks and feeling more relaxed about it now I have the flu jab out the way! x

  6. Thats a gorgeous bump. I remember I kept putting off buying maternity wear, I ended up stretching all my tops out in the end :)

  7. *having bump jealousy*

  8. You look amazing, obviously a shopping order for a coat. Glad your pregnancy is going well x

  9. Glad all going well honey. You and bump look fab! I know what you mean about the explosive tummy it's mad! Don't remember the kicks being as prominent with my daughter. I've got a few great maternity pieces from KLM Maternity Wear, Next, Mamas and Papas and H&M, worth a look. xxx

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