Monday 28 August 2017

Our New Home

We have been in our new home for one week now.  It was never the plan to move just yet, I thought we had a couple more years in our old house, but somehow the desire for somewhere a bit bigger got to us and we ended up with a moving date right in the middle of the summer holidays.  In some ways it has been great as the disruption of moving, the lack of structure for those couple of days and the lack of curtains for a couple more haven't affected the children as much.  In other ways it has been twice as stressful as there is very little that can be done whilst occupying four small people.

We still haven't quite finished moving everything and there is a lot of unpacking to be done still.  I am waiting on furniture deliveries and I think there will be cardboard boxes lining the walls for at least a couple more weeks.  We need to paint Cora and Finn's bedroom before we can move them in and our room is still in need of curtains ( there is a duvet cover hanging in the window at the moment in an effort to keep the light out).

Moving has been challenging for us all.  The boys have coped amazingly on the outside with it all, revelling in the extra space and the fact we now have a garden.  On the inside they have been more emotional, more challenging and we can see that they need time to adjust.  Cora has taken it all in her stride, but she is waking up much more than usual through the night.

We haven't had wi-fi all week and so I haven't been online as much and I haven't taken as many photos as usual, but there are a few here, to document the early days in our new home.  With it being the end of August, the children have been making the most of their new garden and they are often out there from the moment they get up until it is time to bring them in for bed.  They helped Daddy to mow the lawn and we got out the paddling pool (that I had bought to be a birthing pool but never used) in the later half of the week.

We discovered that our garden has apple and pear trees as well as blackberry bushes, and it also has a friendly cat that likes to come and hang out with us.  We have named her 'fluffy fish' and all four love following her around.  We get foxes in the garden too which they are all quite fascinated by.

It has been a busy week but this empty shell of a house is slowly starting to feel like our home.  I can't wait to decorate it more, arrange our possessions and create a space that we love to be in.


  1. I do love your family of four. Your eldest two watching your youngest two is an absolute joy of a capture. Despite the times your voice maybe hoarse (or maybe that's just my family of three), you must be so proud. And rightfully so. xx

  2. Congratulations on your new home Becky. Your garden looks so big, that would be my dream when we eventually have our own house. Gorgeous pictures x


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