August has been the busiest month of the year by a long way. This month we have had all four at home every day, we have been camping together at our first family festival, Dylan turned 6, I turned 30 and we moved house. We ending the month absolutely exhausted but with lots of brilliant memories. Thankfully the lovely Hannah at Childcare Adventures offered to take a photo of us all whilst we were at Wilderness as we have completely forgotten to take any others this month!

This month Mummy has been loving planning how the new house will look, a birthday evening out with friends, dressing Cora in little dresses now that she is walking and sunny afternoons at the beach.
Daddy has been loving folk week festivities, seeing Two Door Cinema Club at Wilderness, having space for a home office and Jack Daniels cider
Dylan has been loving turning 6, picking apples from the garden, reading Horrid Henry books and ice cream.
Archie has been loving having a big garden to play in, bouncing on the world's biggest bouncy castle, riding his balance bike everywhere and kinder surprises.
Finn has been loving playing chase with Cora, the excuse to be naked whilst it is warm and summer still, dancing to the music at Wilderness and chips and nuggets.
Cora has been loving walking everywhere, carrying shoes around everywhere she goes, her new water bottle and playing with the ice cream truck toy.
We are hoping September is quieter as I will be sending two boys into school. I am not ready to say goodbye to the summer just yet though.
Always love your family updates. Looking forward to seeing the new adventures your new family home brings you.. xx
ReplyDeleteI've loved seeing all of your summer photos in Insta this month, it looks as if you've had a fantastic one! x
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about August it's manic isn't it? But in a really good way x
ReplyDeleteOh sounds like you have had such a great summer although manic and chaos great memories made. Love this photo of you all festive exploring. I have never been to one definitely want to try someday with the kids. Loved seeing all your summer snaps on ig this year. Kids have grown up so much WOW! Happy September. #meandmineproject