Monday, 7 September 2015

Things 1, 2 and 3

It was at the end of last August that we first saw our little pretzel on the sonographer's screen and the excitement of adding a third little person to our team began.  I ordered the boys special t-shirts to make our announcement and I stopped trying to hide my bulging belly.

One year on, and we have a six month old.  The year has been busy, it has been nothing like we planned but it has been an amazing journey that led us from that place a year ago to the one we are in now.  It seemed only apt as Finn turns six months to celebrate in a similar style to the way we announced his presence all those months ago.  

A little t-shirt arrived for him and the big two still had theirs (I had ordered them big originally so that they still fit once the baby had arrived).  The day was wet and miserable which of course means pent up energy and a lack of co-operation but I did manage to get a photo where you can see all their tops.

Dylan is giving me his fake cheese smile as he thinks there may be something in it for him.  Finn has noticed his brother's hair, and the next photo on my camera show him pulling it rather hard.  Archie heard the word strawberries and is suddenly a little more interested in taking part (an interest that lasted around 1.5 seconds).

Thing one is a proud big brother, always wanting to look after his siblings.  He is growing up fast and their relationship will start changing with school on the horizon and them spending the majority of their day apart.  He understands his role and embraces it. 

Thing two is the wild child, but the cuddly one too.  He will follow his biggest brother around usually, but only when it is something he wanted to do anyway.  He is hands on and can't keep his hands off of Finn.  He gives the biggest bear hugs with his arms tight around your neck - sometimes a little bit scary when you are six months old.

Thing three is a watcher.  He wants to be part of what they are doing and is happiest when he can see them.  He finds it all a bit much sometimes, but he is happy to be used as their dolly, puppet, patient and any other role they cast him in.

These boys are the best of friends, but of course that comes with insider knowledge on how to wind the others up.  They are all so different, but so alike too, my three little things.

This summer has been the month of us, with no childcare, no real plans and no work.  I was so excited about August and despite the illness and complications, it has been lovely having all of my babies together all summer.  Having one or two is so much easier, but once you have embraced the chaos, having three is the best.

After six months of practice with my three things, we have our own routine, our own games and shortcuts.  I am feeling less worried about the school run, although the idea of the early mornings still terrifies me.  These three and I are a team and I wouldn't be without my three little things (and their Daddy of course).


  1. Aww! What gorgeous photos! I love those t-shirts! So cute!

  2. Love this post! I am expecting my third in Feb. and I am so excited yet slightly scared of the challenges that 3 will bring. So glad things are going well for you and your gorgeous house of boys! :-)

    1. three is mayhem, but the best kind. Good luck!

  3. They are gorgeous and you are a lucky lady to have a house full of lovely boys. xx

  4. Aww bless so cute. They are adorable and I love those t-shirts. Love your boys and boys are just so lovable x


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