Monday, 31 August 2015

Me and Mine August

August hasn't quite gone to plan.  We have spent most of the month avoiding civilisation as all three boys caught chicken pox and not at the same time.  We spent the best part of one week in hospital and we have certainly got our moneys worth from our Netflix subscription.  That said, we have had a lovely month too.  It is our last month of freedom before school so we have been very relaxed with bedtimes and therefore had more lay ins than usual.  We celebrated a 4th birthday and then a 28th, we have enjoyed playdates with friends, days on the beach and lots of picnics. These photos are from a picnic dinner at a local park, we stayed out until past their bed times exploring and enjoying the last of the sun.

Next month is looking very busy, so having a quieter August was probably for the best.  We are preparing for the first of the small people to start school and I am desperate for August to never end, as I don't feel ready (even if he clearly does!).

This month Mummy has loved a birthday meal out with friends, folk week fudge from a local festival we always visit, having some sunshine and drying all the washing on the line.

The bloke has loved the folk week festival, working from home in his pjs, driving at any opportunity and his new job.

Dylan has loved turning 4, his spiderman birthday cake, playing with the camcorder Daddy bought him and telling everyone about his new school.

Archie is loving bouncy balls, telling people off, the fact that he got away with chicken pox so lightly and having Boj-a-boom ideas.

Finn is loving turning 6 months, starting to sit unaided, having his first passport and the jumperoo that we have finally got back out.

My aim for this year is to get a photo where everyone looks good, but I will settle for everyone looking the right way.  Wish me luck!


  1. Sounds like a lovely quiet but eventful August. So sorry the boys were all ill with chickenpox. I can't believe that D is 4 and going off to school! xx

  2. Gorgeous :) Sorry to hear the boys were all sick with the pox though, hope all are fully rcovered and school goes well xo

  3. Gorgeous photos. In the nicest way possible I hope that September is truly uneventful for all of you. You deserve a bit of a lull for a while x

  4. Sorry to hear August hasn't been kind! I hope September is much better for you all. Your photos are really lovely though, that first one is gorgeous - you all look so happy! :) xx


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