Monday, 3 August 2015

What the Boys Wore - Tootsa MacGinty

Somehow the bloke and I have made it to 31 and 27 without ever gaining a driving license between us, but that all changed last week when he passed his practical test and promptly went out and bought a car (I think Finn will still be safe behind the wheel before I am).  

The newly acquired license has given us a taste of freedom and last weekend we drove up to Scadbury nature reserve near Sidcup to meet with one of my favourite bloggers, Amber from the Goblin Child.  I love her style of photography, and these gorgeous clothes we were sent from Tootsa Macginty deserved their own photoshoot.

I apologise now for the magnitude of photos, it was too hard narrowing down so I have included all of my favourites.

This safari print is perfect for my little explorers, although we didn't spot any of the animals roaming loose in London.  Armed with a torch, some binoculars and two walkie talkies, they set out on their expedition.

The big two boys have matching vests and shorts, and Finn has co-ordinated harem pants and a raglan sleeved cheetah top.  I love the matchiness and yellow is my favourite colour at the moment.

Amber captured them perfectly, my wild child with hair in his eyes, always running and afraid of nothing . . .

my big boy, so curious, so eager to learn, ready to tell his life story to anyone who will listen

and my baby boy, bright eyed and fist always in mouth - happiest in his mamas arms, and taking everything in.

My three - Family. Brothers.  Very different but just the same too.  

I adore these clothes, they look unique and bright, they feel well made and they capture childhood.  They are completely unisex and ideal to pass down from child to child and they are designed to last that long too.  

I would recommend sizing up in the raglan sleeved baby top and the shorts, but the harem pants and big boy's tops were pretty true to size.  (Finn's trousers and top are sized 0-6 months and I would say the top is more 0-3 and the bottoms more 3-6). I have found everything washes amazingly, it still looks new after several times through the machine and it is perfect for layering - I love the long sleeved jumper that Dylan is wearing below.

We love the freedom that a car gives, the new places we can explore, and of course we want the boys to look gorgeous whilst they are doing it.  Tootsa Macginty have a sale on at the moment so if you like any of these pieces then grab them quick!


  1. Oh I love Tootsa MacGinty - I've had a few pieces for the girls and they're wearing like steel and perfect to hand all the way down to Pip in due course!

  2. Love the cute retro designs!

  3. Never heard of them before, but the clothes are gorgeous!!! xx

  4. oh gosh look how cute they all look, I Love matching siblings! xx

  5. Oh bless them, they look so cute in those outfits x

  6. Well done to your bloke on his driving test! You have some trendy looking kids there - love the outfits!

  7. What gorgeous photographs and I LOVE the outfits! Go for it with your driving test, the world awaits (I didn't do mine until I was 34!) :D

  8. Those clothes are amazing - I absolutely LOVE them.

    So bright and cute and the kids look adorable x

  9. Great clothes - I love bright colours for boys.

  10. These are such gorgeous photos!

  11. Beautiful clothes and so good to see Finn doing so well now!xx

  12. What great photos! The clothing looks fab, I'm off to investigate now x

  13. Oh they gorgeous what some sweet tops. x

  14. It must be amazing to have a bit of freedom at last, having no car is so limiting! I love Tootsa MacGinty - such gorgeous clothes and look fab on your boys xx

  15. I love Tootsa too, we have some of their jumpers, but they don't go big enough for my big boys

  16. Gorgeous photos and well done to your man for passing his test!!

  17. I have never heard of them before but the boys look adorable and I love all your photos

  18. I've never heard of them but the outfits look great, the boys look super cute!

  19. You have three blooming gorgeous boys!! Love the outfits too and YAY for driving freedom!x


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