Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Folk Week Festivities Part 1

As a family, one of our favourite weeks of the year comes in August.  A local town holds a folk week festival and the bloke always books the week off work so that we can enjoy the sun, music and time together as a family.  The boys love the atmosphere, they love sitting in a pub garden with a glass of juice listening to music, they love running around at the bandstand pulling some pretty impressive moves and they love jingling their bells and escaping to the beach when the day gets too hot.

We eat ice cream every day and mini donuts if we can fit them in too.  We stay out late (well late for them), and take them home when they are ready to drop and we have picnics every day in one of the little parks.  

We are so thankful to live so close to the sea and to have such wonderful events on locally.  I took some photos over the first couple of days - Archie being the wild child he is, Dylan recovering slowly from a week of illness and Finn - pretty much always smiling

There is very little signal down on the coast - in fact my phone seems to think I am in France half the time whilst we are there, so facebook and instagram are a little quiet at the moment.  I just couldn't resist this mid-week photo spam.


  1. How much fun are you having!! I love these pics. You're making moving locally to seem more and more appealing. ;)

  2. What a fun week! Living near the seaside is brilliant at this time of year isn't it? And that folk week festival looks like so much fun - for the parents and children alike!

  3. aww what fun we went yesterday the kids loved seeing all the dancing. Your photography skills are defiantly coming on that photo of Archie is really good. Looking forward to Seeing you at Lark :)


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