Saturday, 15 August 2015

What the Boys Wore - Fat Face

I love having boys (which is pretty useful as I have three of them now), and one of my favourite things is that they seem to take a lot longer to start having an input in what they wear.  Dylan will still happily get dressed into which ever clothes I lay out for him each morning, and whilst we get the odd request for a spiderman T-shirt, he is pretty happy in anything as long as it is comfortable.

He was allowed to choose his own clothes recently, and I think my style may be rubbing off on him as he picked all the things I would have chosen for him.  Fat Face have a new children's range that starts at 4 years old, and he chose two T-shirts and two pairs of shorts from there.

I have to say that the sizing is pretty generous.  They do intermittent sizes of 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 and as he is usually at the top end of 5-6, I wasn't sure which to chose, but I am happy that we went for the smaller size as he fits with growing space.

The ice cream van top was his favourite - this kid just loves ice cream! The T-shirts are really well made and quite a thick strong cotton.

fat face, fat face kids, fat face boys wear, kids fashion

The shorts are long, and have the button elastic on the inside to adjust them.  I think these will definitely still fit Dylan next year and they are really great quality - anyone still reading my blog in 5 years may well see pictures of 5 year old Finn in them.

The style reminds me a lot of adult Fat Face and I can imagine the bloke wearing the same outfit in just a few sizes bigger.

The words on the chameleon top may have gone straight over the head of a nearly-4 year old, but as soon as he saw it on the website he asked for the Chameloni t-shirt.

fat face boys range, fat face kids, kids fashion blogger

T-shirts are mostly £12 and shorts £20 and I would say the quality makes them more than worth the price.

Dylan only agreed to be photographer if he could be a pirate with a makeshift (hand) eye patch, hence the last photo.  He may have loved choosing his own clothes, but he certainly didn't want to pose in them.

A Collaborative Post


  1. Those shirts are so cute! I like the "available in any color" one, especially. Do you know my 2-year-old had some denim shorts this year that had the button elastic on the inside, and I had no clue what that was. For months, I griped because the shorts were huge in the waist, despite being a size 2. Only recently did this goofy mom discover the purpose of that magical button. lol #funkykidfriday

  2. He looks so grown up! I love Fat Face clothes and he looks so cool! x

  3. Gosh D looks so grown up. Wonderful post x


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