Monday, 6 April 2015

Our Easter Weekend

With everything that has been going on, I completely forgot that Easter was coming, so when the long weekend crept up on us I was pretty happy.  Having the bloke at home for 4 days, seeing family and the best excuse I can think of to eat too much chocolate and not feel guilty.

On Friday, I was treated to a much needed lie in, although it feels more like a series of long naps as I still have to feed little Finn every two or three hours.  Friday afternoon the bloke went out, and I managed my first solo bedtime with all three quite successfully.  Mastering something new with all three always makes me feel good, so it was a pretty great start to the weekend. 

On Saturday we met up with the bloke's family for a greasy spoon lunch.  The boys love seeing their cousins, and enjoyed a little play date with them afterwards too. The lighter evenings (and the fact that we don't have to be up early now we are on school holidays) means we are a little bit more relaxed with bedtime, and we didn't make it home until 8pm after a lovely afternoon.

On Sunday we saw my family for a lovely home cooked roast, some bubbles in the garden and a walk along the seafront.  My parents have the beach quite literally at the end of their road, and after stuffing. our faces full of dinner and desert, a stroll along the prom and some shell hunting does us all good.  The photos in this post are taken in my parent's garden whilst the boys played with their uncle and cousin.  We all stayed over the night, so that we could put the little ones to bed and have a cards evening - a little family tradition - and we played late into the night.

We had big plans for Monday, but we were all far too tired to appreciate much other than a nice lunch  out and an exciting trip to the supermarket.  It was time with my four boys though and that was what we really needed.

Our Easter weekend had those three vital components, family, sunshine and chocolate so it was an all round success! 


  1. I love your outdoorsy photos and your Easter sounds lovely. Archie is just too cute in that hat! x

  2. Happy Easter! It sounds like yours was pretty perfect! It must be so lovely to have the beach at the end of the road!!

  3. Gorgeous photos Bex, looks like you all had a lovely Easter weekend xxx
    Love From Mummy - UK Parenting Lifestyle Blog

  4. Archie in his Easter hat looks adorable. It sounds like a perfectly relaxing Easter, and how lovely to spend it with Family.

  5. Oh glad you had such a lovely Easter together in the sunshine. Isn't it crazy how when you have another baby it somehow makes your first babies look so much more grown up?! Your boys look like they have really come on a lot lately and grown up fast. Wow.


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