Monday, 16 February 2015

Before You Turn Two

As I kissed your head tonight, I thought back to two years ago - a situation I am finding rather familiar as I carry a large bump in front of me, and I remember the excitement, the anticipation, the wonder as you came into the world.  This time two years ago I was clueless that I was soon to meet the boy who would make me the mother I am today, but by the time you wake up tomorrow, it will be two whole years since the first time I held you in my arms and told you I loved you.

This year has seen you change from a baby to a toddler - from a crawling babbling little person into one who walks, runs, jumps and talks.  Every week at the moment we see changes in you as you learn more words and string them together in more complex ways.  Last week we realised that you really did know all your colours now after months of declaring everything to be either yellow or blue.  You have never had a problem communicating what you want, but you are growing up to be polite and confident as you step on to every bus with a 'ticket please lady' (even if the driver is most definitely a man).

You are sociable and love nursery.  You go only one day a week, but you carry your lunchbox in with such pride and when I pick you are up you are always out exploring the garden, climbing through tyres or zipping around on a scooter.  You are the opposite of your brother in so many ways, so physical and desperate to be part of everything yet I see more and more similarities as you become the very best of friends.

You love having time with me, but you still seem a little lost without your big brother, and you are happiest together.  I hear you plotting from your bedroom, you play football and chase each other round laughing.  You wake up wanting each other and fall asleep singing each other lullabies and I am thankful every day that you have one another.   Whilst Dylan has brought out a more focused side of you, you find the mischief in him, and we either find you doing puzzles or reading together or balancing boxes on chairs to try and reach something you shouldn't have - there isn't much middle ground!

The sticks are dinosaurs if you were wondering

As we prepare for another little sibling, you seem mostly clueless as to the changes that are about to happen, although you sense things are changing as you have become more clingy and cuddly than ever before.  Mostly I love this, although you have recently had a growth spurt and my back struggles with your weight at the moment.  You have always been pretty average sized but now I see you are actually pretty tall compared to your friends - it is inevitable really coming from two tall families.

It was a whole year ago that I wrote you this post but I see the same little boy I did then - a cheeky little thing with a heart of gold, a fearless, confident child who knows what he wants and how to get it and a loving brother and son who is happiest around his family.

Before you turn two, as I kiss you goodnight for the last time as my one year old, I just want you to know how truly loved you are.


  1. Aww, cute letter to your son. My second is 1 and I know this will be a big year for him too. I love to hear how well brothers can play together! :) x

    1. These two are brilliant together, I am curious to see how a third slots in now! Enjoy the second year x

  2. Aww Happy Birthday Archie - he's a gorgeous little boy and I suspect he'll be a great littlebig brother with just the right mixture of help and mischief!

    1. I think he will be, with a rather large helping of mischief!

  3. Your boys are gorgeous! Happy birthday little man.

  4. Such a gorgeous post Bex and gorgeous photos. I can't believe they are two! Hope Archie has had a great birthday. xx

    1. I know, how do we have 2 year olds already, we were only pregnant like yesterday?


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