Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Starting Preschool

At three years, one month and six days, my biggest little one started preschool.  For the final year before he starts full time education at school, he will be doing his free 15 hours at a local preschool and to say he is ready is a bit of an understatement.

Dylan has been desperate to go to nursery, he wants to be around other children, be challenged in different ways and get that independence which is only really possible without me there.  I was nervous and excited for him.  I stayed up packing him a nutritious lunch last night, putting in his favourite things - nothing fancy, just food I know he loves.  I got his backpack ready and laid out his clothes and I prepared for seven hours without him.

I barely got a goodbye as he went in, and he couldn't leave until he had finished his game and said goodbye to his friends.  I know we made the right decision when he is so comfortable there from the very beginning.

first day of preschool, three years old, preschool pictures

On Friday, I asked Dylan what he thought he would be when he was bigger, and he looked at me like I was being silly, held out his hand with the thumb tucked in and said 'When I am bigger Mummy, I will be FOUR!' - well of course!

I made sure I phrased the question better this time, and he had a little think, before announcing that he would like to be a doctor when he grows up.  I am happy with that one

Preschool runs, packed lunches and names sharpie-d on clothes are our new normal for this year!


  1. Dylan's looking soooooo cute. My little dude started on Friday. He's going for two and a half hours a day and he loves it. I'm really enjoying our new routine so far too. I feel under a lot less pressure to provide a day packed with entertainment and things are a lot more relaxed.

  2. Aw lovely pictures to document his first day at pre-school! I'm so glad that he settled in well and enjoyed it!
    Amelia x

  3. Aww he looks both so grown up and so little all at once - I'm really glad his first day went well too, for you and for him :)

  4. Ahhh bless - love the chalk board! I am sure he will settle in very well and make lots of new friends!

  5. Bless him he looks gorgeous! So glad he is settling in well, It is so good for them and he will love it! x

  6. Awwww, only just catching up on this. I'm so glad he got on well starting preschool, it's such a relief to know that they are happy and ready. Now we just have to get used to all this routine all of a sudden... I'm shattered already! x


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