Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The May Bank Holiday

After such a late Easter, the May bank holiday seemed to come around all of a sudden, but I was definitely not complaining.  Bank holiday weekends are all about family for us and we got to spend time with both sides this weekend as well as enjoying time as our little family of four..

Park play, vertbaudet, 14 months old

The boys adore their grandparents and on our extra weekend day, Monday, we made sure we saw them all. A morning with their Nanny and afternoon with their cousins and an evening with Grandma and Grandpa left us with two very tired boys! I forgot to take my camera and I realised quite how much better it is than my phone camera!

We went to a new park and the boys loved how much there was for little people to do.  They ran around with their cousins and wore themselves out well and truly.

Grandma provided stickers and some much needed tea after our busy day and we enjoyed the last of Monday's sun in her garden.   It is days like this that I feel so lucky to have so much of our families close by.

The boys were kindly sent the lovely clothes they were wearing from Vertbaudet and they were great for two active boys.  Archie's trousers have an elasticated waistband which I much prefer for little ones and they also had poppers for nappy changes.  Dylan's funky shorts had an adjustable waist too and were a more generous size that the jumper.  All felt very durable and soft.  I would suggest sizing up by at least one size as they do come up small.

Later addition:  After one wash the beige we have realised that the beige jumper (aged 3) is actually a much better fit on Archie (aged 15 months). than Dylan, and I would suggest sizing up


  1. the pic of all the toys neatly lined up! I miss having little kids :)
    It seems to have been a very good bank holiday weekend over at yours..the best bit of any holiday is time with the family! Your post has a lovely feel-good element to it,Becky..was a pleasure reading through it! x

    1. Thank you, it was a lovely family weekend

  2. Oh I love family days like this! We managed to see both sets of parents, and Mike's sister's family over the weekend, it was so lovely! Those clothes are super cute too - I've not looked on Vertbaudet before, will check them out!

    #LAB xx

    1. I haven't bought much from Vertbaudet before but my wishlist is now growing!

  3. Family days are brilliant - these are the things that your children will remember when they are older. I also like how the grown ups seem to be enjoying the park as much as the children!

    1. Oh yes, you should have seen me on the balance board (until I fell on my bum anyway)

  4. Looks like a lovely time was had by all and the Vertbaudet clothes are gorgeous, I can't wait to buy Baby C stuff from there once he/she arrives!xx

    1. I would definitely look in the catalogue, their stuff is lovely!

  5. Looks like a lovely family weekend. x

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, I love the funny things these toddlers do

  7. Looks like you had a fab weekend! I can't believe A is walking. I still see him as a baby x

  8. i absolutely agree with you that bank holiday are more of a family holiday, i hope thats what we are going to do when our little one arrives

  9. I love the photos, so vibrant and colourful, what better time than to spend it with family <3

    (Pia Stephens)


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