Thursday 8 May 2014

Little Explorers

We are a family who loves to be outdoors, from festival loving parents, to the little boy who could have a picnic everyday of the year, to the baby who spends all morning bringing me random shoes until I finally take him outside.  We love exploring and we love adventure.

Last week the littlest two and I met up with some friends at the local park for a real little adventure, and armed with binoculars, bug pots and a magnifying glass, we spent a gorgeous afternoon getting to know the park away from our usual spot by the swings and slides.

I was expecting a little apprehension with the pirate ship climbing frame in site, and they all asked to go in to the play area at some point, but once the explorer kit was out, the bigger toddlers were off into the 'jungle' to find some bugs to look at.

The littler ones had plenty of fun playing with the pots and the walkie talkies, and enjoying some snacks on the new picnic blanket, before going off to climb on anything and everything.  

Archie was off exploring in his own way, the kind of way that made my heart stop several times! 

Our little adventure made me realise how little I know about certain things too.  I may have a degree but I cannot tell a 2 year old what bug he is looking at (unless it is a ladybird, I managed that one ok!).  It wasn't just the toddlers fascinated by their findings and I gave bird spotting a go.

It was really lovely to see all the children really exploring, using their imagination, discovering the world around them and learning at the same time.  Dylan was still too young to get the most of the kits but his friends who have already turned three loved it and because they were so involved, he really joined in.

Mothercare were kind enough to send us their explorer kit, the walkie talkies, some binoculars, a top for each of the boys and some other goodies to help us get exploring.  Unfortunately Dylan's T-shirt didn't make it to the park but Archie's gorgeous vest and shirt did!


  1. Lovely post - beautiful photos! I have an Archie too ;) I really hope the weather improves again asap so we can all get outdoors a bit more. An explorer kit is a fantastic idea.

    1. I think the explorer kit is great and perfect for a lazy afternoon

  2. Explorer kits are so much fun! I've had to turn my hand to bug spotting and bird watching since 2010 too... I think I must be at least bordering on expert ;)

    1. Haha, I think in four years I will definitely know a lot more on the subject than I know now!

  3. The kits looks like great fine, We love being outside too. Lovely pictures, what cuties! x

  4. Sorry typing with Baby who it trying to help! * great fun!

  5. What great new stuff - especially the walkie-talkies. Lovely photos too!

    1. I think the walkie talkies are going to get plenty of use this summer!

  6. beautiful photos. I love adventures the look great thanks x

  7. Lovely photos so cute seeing the boys playing together.Looks like nice they are having fun.

  8. lovely photos, it looks like they are having a great time playing x

    1. They really enjoyed doing something different!

  9. What lovely photos. We love outside play and exploration too.

    1. It is the best thing for toddlers I think, wears them out too!

  10. We have a bug spotting kit and it's been keeping my 4 year old busy for hours!

    1. I think that is probably the ideal age for it, great to know we are going to get plenty of use from it!

  11. Lovely photos and what a great kit. I can't wait to do similar with my little girl when she is a lot older. Although like you I may have difficulty identifying bugs that aren't ladybirds!

    1. Dylan is 2 years and 9 months and really got into it!

  12. The explorer kit sounds ace, mine would all love it I bet, even though they're a bit bigger than yours!

    1. To be honest I am much bigger and I still had fun exploring! haha

  13. Bug hunting is so much fun! Those explorer kits look great!

    1. They were brilliant for helping them explore

  14. Going on a mini beast hunt is perfect for little ones. It is amazing how much more engaged they are when you give them some binoculars! I had a Collins book of insects when I was a child which was great for identifying all the different bugs

    1. I think we need to get an insect book to go with our bird book, for me as much as them!

  15. Lovely post- I can understand why the explorer kit went down so well- ours would love it- they love the outdoors and making adventures.

    1. It is one of those timeless toys I think that appeals to all

  16. Sounds like a proper little adventure. I love it when parents encourage an interest in creepy crawlies rather than running scared of them.

    1. To be honest I am terrified of them, but I don't want the boys to grow up with my fears so I an trying my hardest to not let them show.

  17. OMG your pictures are just stunning!! So cute! :) I love adventures!

    1. Thank you, I had lots of fun snapping away as they all seemed absorbed in what they were doing

  18. Love your photos, so nice to see kids playing outside xx

    1. Thanks, mine love the outdoors, and although we do softplay and playgroups, we do try and have outdoor play every day too

  19. Spend More Time With Your Children
    It does not matter if you work full time or part time. Maybe you stay at home with your children but you are working from home. Even if you stay home with your children, you are busy trying to get everything done. No matter who you are, you probably think that you are not spending enough time with your children. Quality time, that is. There are many ways to spend more time with your children.
    Your children do not need to play every sport or do every extracurricular activity out there. You could spend all of your time running your children from one practice to another. Pick just one or two activities that your children love and stick with them.
    Plan family dinners where everyone sits at the table, eats, and talks about their day.
    Make dinners special so everyone likes to spend time together while eating.
    Let your children help when you are working on things.
    They can help fix dinner, clean, and fix things. Children learn by watching and doing. Chores can turn into time together so that they are much more enjoyable.
    Do things that your children want to do.
    It is hard when the house is a mess but get on the floor and play with your children. Play games that they enjoy. Have a movie night and watch their favorite movie.
    Find things that you enjoy doing together.
    Arts and crafts can be a big hit. NightArt is helping bring parents and children together. You can design a drawing and watch it light up together.
    No one feels like they spend enough time with their children. However, you need to make the most of time spent together, instead of worrying if you are spending enough time together. Find things that you enjoy doing together, like NightArt. Check it out at It will bring out the artist in everyone, bringing families together.

  20. Beautiful photos! Looks like they all had a lovely time exploring :) Archie is looks so much older recently too! x

    1. As soon as he started walking he just seemed to grow over night, but he is definitely still a baby!

  21. Walkie talkie! I remember how much fun I used to have while playing with them :-)

    1. Me too, I think the boys will be using them at bed time in a few years, I am sure I did with my brother and sister!

  22. I can't wait to get the girls out and exploring. It's been very rainy here lately and I just want some sun now! Glad everyone had a great day :)

    1. We have had plenty of rain too so every sign of sunshine we have been running to the park!

  23. Ahh this is beautiful. Love all the sunny photos too! I love that you have little explorers. Buba is only happy these days running around outside exploring and getting dirty whereas Missy Moo still likes to stay in cuddle and roll around on the floor. She hates the stroller so it's hard to get out for too long. I am glad we have a big back yard we can let Buba lose in. hahaha Glad you had a great picnic too. I can't wait for more sunshine to do more outdoor adventures. Lovely lovely post of your boys as always.

    1. Both of mine would be outdoors from breakfast until dinner if you let them, they wake up desperate to go out doors! Lucky for us the park is a 2 minute walk away so we don't have to use the buggy for long.

  24. Love that he brings you shoes to say he wants to go out!

    (Archie looks much better in the outfit than the baby on the Mothercare site does btw) ;)

    1. Haha thank you, I do think he looks rather cute in it, maybe I should have a word with Mothercare and see if we can get him a job ;)

  25. Love the idea of an explorer kit, Theo has a pair of binoculars that he loves to take around!

    1. I am sure all the boys used them the wrong way round more than the right, but they were so happy I just left them to it!

  26. Wonderful photos. We all love being outside too, the messier the better according to my kids

    1. That is definitely Archie's view on things, especially if he can get wet at the same time!

  27. Gorgeous pics lovely - i still remember my bug hunting kit - loved it! Archie is looking so grown up here! x

    1. Thanks, Archie seems to have grown overnight, I think it was when he started walking

  28. What a great adventure. Looks like they had lots if fun.#countrykids

  29. My three are explorers too. The little man loves going on bug hunts! Love your pictures

    1. Thank you, I think bug hunts are going to feature heavily in our summer now!

  30. What cute little explorers, It's lovely experiencing the wonder of the world again through children's eyes. It looks like they had a great time and enjoyed a sunshine picnic too. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. They do see the adventure in the ordinary and it makes our days so much more special

  31. Mine love their "noculars" and they really add to days out don't they

    1. They make everything that bit more exciting I think!

  32. That's definitely some intrepid exploring - I'm not the biggest fan of bugs, and I think I can just about manage a ladybird and then I'm not great at identifying things - although I did discover a few years ago that bees have different coloured tails which is pretty cool!

  33. Nothing more educational and enjoyable than exploring the natural world with kids! Mine aren't scared of any creepy crawlies at all!

  34. fab pics! love taking the boys on nature trails with their bug kits - so cute!

  35. Love this post lovely. Beautiful photos and the boys are looking handsome as ever! x

  36. Those pictures are fab, love how you captured them right in the moment. The park adventure sounds like it was a great way to get them all excited about learning too, which is never a bad thing (until they run back to you with a spider in a cup for examination!) ;-)

  37. So lovely to see kids playing outside and not stuck infront of a telly or an ipad :))

  38. ooohhh one of those explorers gadgets im seeing a lot lately! A lot of fun toys to make playing more fun and cool =) #countrykids

  39. Beautiful photographs, the boys are growing up far too quickly. It's lovely to see Archie full of personality and taking on his brother with his walking xx

  40. Such great photos and great memories for you.x


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