Thursday, 15 May 2014


Change is necessary,  it is natural.  We all get older and wiser, change direction, move around and evolve.  It feels like we are all in a period of such change at the moment that sometimes I have to take a step back to see where we are going.

Dylan is fast losing his toddler traits and becoming a little boy.  Last week saw me finally decide on a preschool for September after weeks of deliberation.  This will be Dylan's first time in this kind of setting as he has never been enrolled in a nursery and it marks the beginning of something big.  It is only just over a year until we will be getting ready for school and that thought terrifies me.  

Preschool will mean other influences, other people to give magic kisses and wipe any tears away.  I won't know everything he does and everything he says any more.  It took a while to decide where to send him as I wasn't one hundred percent sure on any of the options, but in the end we chose one with a specific pre school unit, where he will share a room with 25 other children who are preparing for school including many of his friends.  I know that he is ready, but I am not sure that I am.

Archie seemed to have grown up overnight once those first steps turned to walking and I can't believe the transformation.  Much of this is me letting go a little of the baby he was, as until recently he often wore sleepsuits and rompers all day.  Now that he is on his feet all day we have introduced more jeans and with his little shoes as well he is starting to look more and more like a toddler.

Archie is making efforts to say words now and he is communicating in his own little way.  In his head he is already as big as his brother and he refuses to be treated like a baby, wanting to do everything a two year old can do and more.  Despite my desire to keep him as my little baby, Archie is in a huge rush to grow up.  

And as for me, I have finally given up the job I have been doing for years and have taken the brave step to work from home doing something I love.  It is completely a step in the right direction, but it is full of change.  I have to keep myself motivated and focused and I am constantly learning.  

I think the only one in the family who seems settled where he is, is the bloke!

Change is necessary and natural.  It is how we move forward, become the people we are going to be and it seems to be happening everywhere, as the wet winter turns to spring, as our boots go away to be replaced with flip flops, as the boys learn new skills and their relationship changes, as we head towards a third birthday and then a twenty-seventh.

Is it just us or is this spring time meaning change for everyone?


  1. They are growing so fast - you have 2 gorgeous boys!

    1. They really are, it is scary how fast

  2. Change is good though and you will both love it

    1. It is all good change, just lots of it, or so it seems

  3. Aww x change is positive but always scary! They just grow up too bloody quickly to keep up sometimes xxx

    1. They really do, I don't know how I have a boy who will start school next year!

  4. I think it's often the way that loads of things change at once. My two both seemed to go through this huge transition stage a couple of months back where they seemed to suddenly change a lot, it felt like I didn't even recognise them some days. But change is good, and change is exciting. Good luck with it all. x

    1. It is good and exciting, just scary sometimes! I think it does all seem to come at once though

  5. I love the idea of certain change, I find it really exciting, not anything to do with the kids though. The thought of Cherry starting school terrifies me! I was just saying the other day how she is nearly four and in twice that again she will nearly a teenager, given that the last four years have flown by that's pretty scary!! I keep wishing Tiger would start walking but I know I will regret it when he does! And exciting about quitting your job! x

    1. I love that Archie is walking now and it does make a lot of things much easier I have to admit, although it does seem to double the trouble he can cause!

  6. What big changes and how exciting! I'm glad you were able to find a preschool that you feel happy with. The job is such a big deal too! We are starting to consider whether to send Talitha to nursery. We don't plan to send her to school so it's never been a given that we'd do pre-school but we're starting to think that it might be fun for her and give me a chance at home with the baby. It'll be a big change though and though change is's scary! :)

    1. I am looking forward to him going and having some time with just Archie actually as I had 18 months with just Dylan,

  7. They really do grow up way too fast don't they? Bless them. I love that archie is walking and dylan how exciting picking a school for him. I have that to come next sept. It all happens so fast too september will be here in no time. I can relate Missy Moo will be my last baby and every time she hits another milestone I am sad that that's it no more baby stuff no more babyness around. She is about to turn 1 next month but no walking part of me doesn't want her to learn to walk yet keeping her young as possible as long as possible. Probably not the best thing but it's my last baby. Hard to let go. Lovely lovely post of change because it is inevitable no matter how much we try or want it to not happen yet! lol

    1. I didn't want Archie to walk as suddenly they seem to become toddlers but actually it is quite nice now!

  8. Lovely post thank you for sharing your thoughts...I definitely agree, change is good :)

  9. I felt exactly the same choosing a pre-school
    Place for my little boy, Harrison. I was having palpitations just thinking about it! But as much I'm sad to say goodbye to the little toddler, I am excited to say hello to the little boy who is fastly taking over!! Xo


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