Saturday, 12 April 2014

The Very First Picnic of the Year

He refuses to keep either socks or shoes on, and any exposed skin looks grubby, covered in a thin layer of mud.  He crawls, cruises and explores every surface, touching everything he sees.  He is inquisitive, adventurous and determined and he is loving the weather getting warmer and the excuse to spend as much time as possible outside.

Archie is in his element in the park, and although he isn't quite walking yet, he loves the freedom when I let him explore his own way.  The warm weather meant we spent the first of many long days at the park, and the picnic blanket made its way out of the cupboard for the first time in months.

We got dressed, we grabbed a quick breakfast and then armed with all sorts, we walked down the road to our closest park.  

We rode and we scooted down the paths, looking for squirrels and daffodils.  We gave up and settled for dandelions and daisies.  Dylan gave me a flower 'because it is beautiful, like you mummy' and my heart melted just a little bit.

We found the swings and the slide and played until our tummies couldn't last any longer,  and we had our very first picnic of the year.  Nothing too exciting - no strawberries or scones just yet - we will keep those for a less impromptu day.  It was just a simple lunch with fruit and yoghurts and a Vita Coco juice that we had been sent for Dylan as a treat.  

We popped home for a nap when the tiredness set in, but came straight back out again afterwards - just because we could.  We joined friends, collected sticks and flew to the moon and back on the swings. 

Although we are at the park throughout the year, the first picnic of the year marks the start of something - the start of ice cream vans and bare feet in the sand.  The start of shorts and strawberries, of flowers and flip flops and I am really looking forward to everything this summer has in store.  As long as nobody breaks their leg this time anyway - I really don't want to spend another month in hospital!

So here is to spring and plenty more picnics!


  1. Loving the fact that Archie is bare foot n the grass - I love that too :-)

    1. I do love being bare foot and that child will not keep shoes on for anything!

  2. I love picnics, we now and again. Have indoor ones, but ones in the sun are better

    1. we have had a few indoors but it is lovely doing it outdoors and not caring about the mess!

  3. We have picnics in winter too using soup etc :-) your park looks fab for little ones

    1. We have indoor ones but I love being able to get outside in the fresh air.

  4. So glad you got your picnic! Lovely photos of the boys having fun and enjoying the good weather! Here's to many more!

    1. definitely! Hopefully we can get all the little ones together for one soon!

  5. Nice photos! So sunny and looks like you had a fab day! #countrykids

    1. It was wonderfully sunny, hopefully the start of a good summer!

  6. How wonderful to have warm weather for picnics and fun in the park! #countrykids

  7. So lovely to have warmer weather and be able to spend all day at the park. We managed our first visits this week since the snow finally melted! #CountryKids

    1. Oh wow, we haven't had any snow (other than on holiday) and a very mild winter

  8. What a lovely day for a picnic. I love your photo's. #CountryKids

  9. We love picnics at the park, lovely photos. Looks like fun was had. Love your park

  10. Hooray for the sunshine and picnics at the park! Archie and Dylan looked like they had a wonderful time in the sunshine exploring and having fun. Thanks for linking up and sharing your lovely photos with Country Kids.

    1. They loved it, thanks for running such a great linky x

  11. Yay for picnics! I have a gorgeous picnic basket that's just begging to be resurrected! I can't wait to take my boys out to the park with it :) Your wee ones look like they had a great time!

    1. I need to get a picnic basket, we are relying on random cool bags at the moment but a proper wicker basket would be lovely!

  12. Looks the perfect day for a picnic!!
    Lovely photos x

  13. We got the picnic blanket out the garage for the first time the other day- it's so exciting! ;) Looks like your boys had a lovely day at the park. x

  14. Lovely photos, looks like they had a brilliant time. #countrykids

    1. Thanks, they love being outdoors all day

  15. Hi Bex - Just stopping by from Country Kids - I have two in my house who prefer to go about barefoot and now the sun is out and we're spending time outside there's mud and grime on their feet and in their fingernails! But you're only young once right?
    I love your photos, I'm going to stop and explore your site a little more, but I wondered if you'd like to join my linky too it's at

    1. I have to do so much washing as the littlest is constantly covered in dirt but you are right, only young once and why not! Will pop by and have a look x


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