Friday, 25 April 2014

As They Change

These two boys are changing so fast that I am struggling to keep up.  Archie is reaching new milestones and mastering new skills, whilst Dylan is losing the baby side of his features, and getting taller and stronger every day.  Their relationship is changing as Archie becomes more adventurous and determined, but more fun as a playmate at the same time.

I love taking photos of the boys, trying to capture their now, as I know that tomorrow things will be different. They will be that little bit taller, a tiny bit wiser, more energetic.  Their hair will grow longer, more teeth will appear and those gorgeously chubby baby legs will get longer and leaner.

We went along to Boggio studios just before Archie turned one and had a little photoshoot done.  Only two months later and I can already see the changes in my two beautiful boys and I love that we have these moments captured.  The photographer had all sorts of toys for them to play with and even though they were acting as babies and toddlers do ( - irrationally), I love the shots they managed to get.

Archie looks less like a baby and more like a little boy since these pictures were taken.  Dylan no longer needs those jeans rolled up.  These are my beautiful boys in February though and we will always have these perfect pictures to remind us.

Thank you to Boggio studios for inviting us along for a photoshoot and for these 5 complimentary images


  1. Oh those pictures are adorable! The boys just look so cool and cheeky and a love the colour of the props. I must get my family photos updated soon! Ours were last done 3 years ago!

    1. I am loving them at the moment, and want more done of us all as a family.

  2. What adorable photos. Loving that epic sofa.
    Your boys are just too cute.

    1. The sofa is awesome! Dylan walked straight into the studios and asked to sit on it!

  3. Beautiful images. Children change so fast it is nice to have time captured like that

    1. Thank you, it is, isn't it! They seem to double in size daily at the moment!

  4. Beautiful pictures of beautiful children. I keep meaning to book a session for my two children, I will get on the case!

    1. You should, I love it when other people take the photos as mine never look this good!

  5. What beautiful pictures I love them all.

  6. What gorgeous pictures! \love the last one with the camera :)

    1. That is my favourite too, definitely going on the wall!

  7. Oh these are just lovely Bex! We need to get some professional shots of the girls. Our last family photos were when my eldest was 1! Oops xx

    1. You definitely need some more, they are so much fun and I adore these pictures

  8. Gorgeous snaps, I keep meaning to get some professional photos done of Athena before she hits a year old, not long now!
    I especially love that first photo!
    Lauren | Belle du Brighton x

    1. Thanks, the last one is my favourite. I love having them taken although the boys never want to co-operate

  9. Wow! Gorgeous photos of gorgeous boys! Xx

    1. They are pretty gorgeous aren't they?! x

  10. Lovely photos...that last one is fantastic! You must be so proud of your boys xx

    1. That is my favourite too, I need it on my wall!

  11. They are gorgeous photos of that stage aren't they - especially that last photo, that's just so sweet the way Archie is looking up at Dylan!

    1. Everyone seems to see it as Archie looking up at Dylan but I see Archie thinking 'look at me' haha. I do adore these photos though

  12. These pics are fantastic honey, so different and really fun and contemporary. Love them and what two gorgeous cuties! How much has Dylan grown!


    1. I have never seen ones quite like them either, and I love how they capture the boys so well

  13. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I ADORE THESE PHOTOS!!! What an amazing array of colours and ideas. I love them so much. The boys look beautiful and I love the one of you too :) x

    1. Thank you, it was so hard picking just 5 as they were all so gorgeous x

  14. Ahh I love the last one! They are all fab x

  15. These are the most amazing photos x

  16. This has to be the best kid's photo shoot I have EVER SEEN EVER. So creative, so full of fun and great props. I am so impressed and your two worked the camera beautifully with their cute faces and smiles. I love all these. I need to get photos done of the kids soon just never seems enough time. MM is almost one and I am hoping to do them for her 1st birthday, of them and the family.

    1. I have never seen one quite like it either and I keep looking at the photos, they are so fab! Definitely book a shoot, they are great fun and much better than the photos I take of us all!


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