Saturday 26 April 2014

14 Months Old

This last month I have been thinking a lot about how I would describe Archie.  In so many ways he is still a baby and being so much smaller than his big brother this is emphasised even more.  A friend said recently that all the while you count their age in months they are a baby and in that case he definitely still is.  On the other hand, Archie is now walking, making an effort to speak and learning new skills all the time.  He is starting to show definite toddler traits from the way he shakes his head to let you know that he knows what he is doing is wrong (but he is going to do it anyway), to his determination to do everything his big brother can and more.

This month has seen those first wobbly steps turned into a wobbly toddle across the room and my little dude is well and truly on the move.  It has been four months since he first started to let go and take st but he is now walking at every opportunity (with plenty of falls) and is loving practicing this new skill.  His desire to climb is reaching a whole new level (pun intended), with his new favourite tricks including climbing up the slide and down the steps, and climbing onto the rockers at the park, standing on them and rocking sideways.  At 14 months Archie is already a little daredevil and appears to have no fear!

Dylan had lots of words by this age and whilst Archie does not seem bothered about speaking, he is making himself understood and has his own words for food and drink as well as saying done and more.  He is the cheekiest little chap with a smile that makes his nose crinkle and his eyes light up.  Where there is mischief, Archie is never far behind.  

14 months appears to be the milestone where we have finally cracked sleeping.  There is still the odd 6am feed, but usually Archie goes to bed around half seven and goes through until eight or nine.  Unfortunately I am getting no more sleep as it seems to be an invitation for me to stay up later! Archie is still having milk first thing in the morning and last thing at night.  

Archie still loves being outdoors and muddy more than anything else.  He loves anything with wheels and has started taking an interest in the shape sorters too which were his brother's favourite at this age.  I think we will be spending all our summer at the park and beach as he is in his element with a big outdoor space to explore!

At 14 months Archie is a cheeky little monkey!


  1. 14 months! Where has that gone?! Well done on him sleeping, it always makes such a difference when that kicks in properly. He has a little cheeky look on his face in those photos, such a cutie xx

    1. He is definitely a cheeky one! I couldn't get a photo of the nose crinkling though

  2. aww honey he is gorgeous! Yes I am still around, still hanging on in in the blogging sphere just jugglling my biz, work, family, house and everything else so have had to slow down lol. It's been lovely reading how much he has grown. I think it must be the second child with a lot of what you say as little girl (no longer "baby") is more adventurous and a bit of a climber too and she says less. she's more activity led than her big sis was too. her sis said more at this age and could do shape sorters where she's happier climbing, toddling and exploring! lol! Hope to get on here more and catch up but lovely to read he's such a cutie

    1. I definitely think there is a difference as it seems to be second babies that are more mischievious!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, It is hard to get a good one when he doesn't stop moving!

  4. aw I remember this age so well! Mine was a total fearless climber too!

    1. I am not used to it! Dylan still doesn't really climb

  5. Such a lovely age! I think second children often speak less as they have their big siblings to do it for them. I love the way he looks like a little toddler when he's awake but still has that baby face when sleeping!

    1. That is why I had to include the sleeping picture, he is still so little really, even if he thinks he is bigger

  6. I honestly don't think that LL will be walking for months! He seems so much more grown up than her from the pictures! x

    1. It saves you money on shoes! LL seems content to stay little whereas Archie is determined to grow up!

  7. My Ethan is a year old and he is the same with loving being outside and he is obsessed with wheels!

    Alex x

    1. Thanks for commenting, I bet you have a house full of little cars too then!

  8. I have an Archie ;) and that was SUCH a cute age! Gorgeous photos :)

    1. Great name ;) It is a fun age although my heart has stopped a few times as he throws himself around!

  9. Already 14 months, time flies so quickly ay? F started his love of wheels and it hasn't gone away at 3.5 years old! x

    1. I think Archie is going to be that kind of kid too, but my boys are so different that it is nice

  10. Lovely photographs. So adorable!

  11. I find J can say hardly anything compared to what Cherry was at his age! He does point and make lots of noise though so it's easy to know what he wants! Lovely photos, he's so cute. J has been standing up unaided for ages but can't seem to make the next step and walk, I really want him to just go for it, although I'm sure I will regret saying that when I have to chase him everywhere! x

    1. I find it easier this way, especially with things like soft play and the park but I wasn't in a hurry for him to grow up

  12. Gorgeous photos. Brought back so many fond memories- and I can think of no better place to spend the summer!

    1. We are so lucky to have the beach so close that it makes it easy to be outdoors all day!

  13. What a cutie, You are a little bit ahead of us, but so much happens all at once. I am so jealous of his sleeping x

    1. It is an exciting age! The sleeping comes with time x

  14. He is so cute - love those little curls

    1. They are so cute. Dylan had little curls too until we cut his hair and now it is really straight, so I am dreading when we have to cut Archie's!

  15. This is a lovely post. So many wonderful memories to look back on. Love Archies little curls :D x

    1. Thank you, he does have beautiful hair

  16. ahhh bless him he really is so adorable. I love this age. What a lovely post. Glad he got the sleeping down. Always a great stage. He seems to be such a happy happy baby all the time. Love it. 14 months doesn't the time fly way too fast! MM will be one soon I am not ready to have a 1 and 3 year old! lol

    1. He definitely has his moments but as long as their is mischief to be caused then he is happy! The second baby does seem to get big much faster!

  17. Replies
    1. It is, although I find it much easier when they are a big bigger and chattier. x

  18. He is such a cutie! I love his blonde hair :) x

  19. Lovely little boy... it is amazing how the time is passing by... so quickly...


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