Sunday, 28 July 2013

How to Make Very Hungry Caterpillar Wall Art

When we decided on a Very Hungry Caterpillar theme for the nursery, I browsed online shops and ebay looking for the perfect little touches to make Archie's room special.  I could find wall stickers, but there didn't seem to be many pictures. 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Wall Art, Hungry caterpillar, homemade canvases, hungry caterpillar canvas, fabric room decorations

After using my creative side when we originally did Dylan's nursery, I decided to make Archie some wall art and it was the simplest thing to do.  I bought 4 blank white canvases and 4 fat quarters of different Very Hungry Caterpillar fabrics.  

How to make fabric wall art, very hungry caterpillar nursery, wall art for children's room

Armed with a heavy duty stapler and a pair of scissors, I had some lovely wall canvases in no time, and enough spare fabric to make a little taggy or sew some shapes on a plain blanket.

homemade wall canvas, fabric hungry caterpillar, very hungry caterpillar nursery

I think they look fun and are so easy to do that you can make them for any room theme given the right fabric.  It worked out only £10 to make 4 new pictures for the little man's beautiful room.


  1. Such a great little craft project; easy and looks good. What a good idea for making little artworks to match a bedroom theme. Can't wait to see the whole room revealed. x

  2. These look great, what a brilliant idea x

  3. These look really good, such a great little craft project!

    UK based Lifestyle & Parenting Blog

  4. They look so cute - what a great way to use pretty fabric

  5. Very creative, I'm sure I have stuff saved on Pinterest around this theme will have to forward them

  6. This is a very little craft project; easy and appears good. What a good plan for creating very little artworks to match a bedroom theme. Cannot wait to check the complete area revealed.

  7. what a great idea! my little man loves the hungry caterpillar.. am sure it makes a massive transformation to children's bedroom.


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