Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The Busy Life of a Mum

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.

Being a mum to two under two is certainly not the easiest job I have ever had.  The hours are long, the sleep is scarce and forget throwing a sickie! Luckily it is by far the most rewarding and seeing their faces when Santa has visited is a great Christmas bonus.

My day starts at 6 am usually when the littlest decides it is time for a chat and as much as I hate mornings, this is his happiest time of day and he lays next to me in bed smiling and cooing away.  

Dylan usually wakes up just as Archie is going down for his first nap and from then on they form a tag team making sure one of them is always awake and demanding on my attention.  We walk, we talk, we play, we eat, we learn, we explore and we have an awful lot of nappy changes.

At 7pm I take both boys up to bed and it is often hard to tell who is the most shattered of the three of us.  Archie has a super feed before settling which can last anywhere up to an hour and suddenly it is 8pm, I am more than a little peckish and my feet are desperately in need of a sofa to rest on.  

Somedays a long soak in the tub is top of my list of priorities, other days a quick shower is all I have time for in  a busy evening so dry shampoo has come to be a very good friend.

I was sent to Tesco to purchase some of Vo5's dry shampoo (see my google+ album) and it has a very special place in my bathroom.   Far too often I am rushing around trying to occupy two small children as I get dressed before I suddenly notice my hair looking far from presentable.  A quick spritz of dry shampoo and nobody will ever know!

I love the product and the scent but most of all I love that it gives me yet another excuse to be lazy and spend those extra few minutes on the sofa with a big bar of chocolate rather than in the shower.  I have found in the past that as a brunette dry shampoo can leave my roots with a slight grey tinge that I am (hopefully) too young to pull off, but as a blonde it hides the fact that my roots are more often than not, in need of some highlights.

#cbias, vo5 dry shampoo, shoppertunity

The VO5 dry shampoo does have a delicious smell and leaves my scalp feeling refreshed as well as my hair. It is easy to tell from touching my hair that it needs a wash but I don't think you can tell just from looking at it which means it is serving its function.  It is often my fringe that starts to look greasy as I am forever tucking it behind my ears and the dry shampoo certainly made a big difference there.

So now I have revealed my secret I would like to assure you that I do make time to shower during these hectic days, however I am a huge fan of anything that saves time and makes life easier for us busy mums.


  1. Any time savers are always good in my book! I was worried about the white/grey from the spray but thankful it went with a bit of rubbing. You look great!

  2. Crikey, how many spam comments do you get!

    Anyway, I do find dry shampoo still a bit of a 'grey' problem when rubbing it in, but maybe it's just me being paranoid. It's my fringe that also suffers most, although for me it feels rather than looks greasy. I'm a big believer in dry shampoo although I do think I go through a lot of it in order to save time so it's costing me a lot of money!

  3. It really does make a difference


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