I can't tell you exactly what they get up to in there, but I do know that it is not quiet and somehow the bathroom floor is always drenched. They both emerge after some time dripping wet with big smiles on their faces, and I know that Dylan loves the time with his Daddy.
After a visit to Lush in Covent Gardens, Dylan's baths have turned blue with their new product 'fun'. Fun is a bubble bath, shower gel, shampoo, hand wash and also a mouldable bathtime playdough. At the event in London I made a rather impressive (in my opinion) dinosaur, and at home we have been testing it for every purpose. Although Dylan is still a little young to be moulding animals he loves his blue baths, and I think it is great that the product is suitable even for newborn's sensitive skin. It really is 'fun' for all ages.
We have also been testing the magic wand which has been a big hit all round. At the event Dylan loved swirling it round and splashing it everywhere and at home he has been filling his bath with pink bubbles as he stirs the water with his wand. The wand lasts for ages as once dry it can be stored until next bathtime.
Dylan has always been a water baby and getting him out of the bath is a lot more hassle than getting him into it. Bathtimes seem to have got even more exciting for my boys now and the longer they are in there - the longer I get to sit down in peace and enjoy my cup of tea!
Disclaimer: We were invited to an event in London to learn more about these products and received samples in a goody bag for use at home. All thoughts,opinions and pictures are my own.
Looks fab- I love Lush stuff!