Friday, 14 September 2012

Funny Faces

Children seem to pull such a variety of faces and one of the great pleasures of being a parent is capturing as many as possible on camera.  Here are some of Dylan's expressions through the year.

one week old baby boy,baby rooting for milk
Already making us laugh at 1 week old!

one month old baby boy, baby poking tongue out, funny face baby
One month old and not impressed 
baby tasting ice cream, funny face baby, six month old baby boy
You did what, mummy?
13 month old baby boy, sulking baby
Just a little suspicious!

The little dude has been making us smile, laugh and wonder since day one with his interesting expressions!  If your child has a tendancy to pull a funny face then come and link up here so we can really embarrass them when they are older! You can grab the badge too if you like

funny face baby



  1. Kids pull the funniest of faces don't they? I think I've probably got a few of Kels. Will link up later xx

  2. I have the best one ever of my brother, so I'm off to find it and to link up... bear with me...!!

  3. Having a baby seems to be a great pleasure for any parent, therefore every parent loves to catch some of the lovely activities of their children in their camera, such facial expression, naughty habits and behavior and many more.

    Mostly kids pull the funniest face it's found very common in them but ask to parent how he or she feel while watching this faces, I just all the cute faces in the above collections, really more funny and cute one.


I love comments, so please let me know what you think!

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