Monday, 24 September 2012


Sometimes I sit back and realise what a beautiful, smart and wonderful child I have created.  I may be bias but to me he is perfect.  He cries, he tantrums and there are days I am counting down until bed time, but all in all he is such a happy and content little boy and I know I have been blessed.

With another baby on the way, I cannot let myself believe we will be lucky enough to have two children like this.  Whilst we do have only the one and all our time and energy to focus on him, we are making some transitions now to prepare him for toddler-hood.  He has always transitioned so well; from milk to solids, from breast to bottle, from crib to cot bed and from feeding to sleep to self soothing.  We have never had struggles or battles and he has done everything in his own time.  There are still a couple of changes we wanted to make though and it feels right to do it now before we have our hands full with two.

We are in the process of cutting out bottles.  There seems to be so much conflicting advice on how long to keep milk in bottles for, but eventually they must all move on and the time feels right for Dylan to start having his milk in cups.  He only has milk twice a day - when he wakes up and at about 5pm so we have already changed one feed over to his trusty cup.  Turns out - he isn't too bothered!  As long as he gets his milk he is happy whatever the vessel.  Next week we will drop the morning bottle in favour of a cup as well.  It feels sad to lose another 'baby' thing, but whilst he can transition so easily it seems silly to keep the bottles.

Our next challenge is moving from sleeping bags to a cot duvet or blankets.  He is 13 months now and old enough for proper bedding.  We have decided not to introduce a pillow until he is older, but are going to see how he goes with pajamas and blankets rather than sleepsuits and gro-bags.  He still manages to migrate around the cot at night, so we have started this now whilst it is not too chilly to see how it goes.  I know you can buy sleeping bags for children up to 3 years, but I love snuggling under my duvet and I am hoping he gets used to his before it gets chilly.

My little baby is growing up far too fast, but I am so proud of how well he copes with change.  He is becoming an inquisitive, talkative and adorable little boy and I really hope that any future changes are met with such ease and smiles.

How have you found making changes in your child's life?


  1. I have been thinking about this recently, but I am a little bit behind you as Mads is 21 months. I am not bothered about the bottle, I am happy to keep that, but I am interested to see how she will cope with a duvet rather than a sleeping bag. However she is going to be moving rooms when bug arrives so I may just wait until then and put her in a duvet, I will probably start doing her room in the new year. I also need to get her out of her cot and into more of a cot bed, but again because she sleeps so amazingly, I am afraid to rock the boat! x

    1. D is an amazing sleeper too and the duvet thing has not affected that at all so far! We are moving house next month so hoping that he is as happy in his new room as he is here! (Blackout curtains are amazing!) Hope the swap goes well when you and she is ready for it! x

  2. We switched from a sleeping bag to a duvet really early, mainly because my son coslept with us (and still does if he can sneak in without us noticing) and it was fine, he likes to snuggle :)

    Everything else has been slow burning, and he's fought against whatever he can, the monkey

    1. I don't think it will be long before Dylan becomes set in his ways which is why we are making the changes now.

      P.s Find me a little boy who isn't a monkey!

  3. I was wondering whether to switch to a duvet or stick with the trusty sleeping bag. Lucas is coming up to 13 months and he sleeps right through and would hate to change that but he sometimes has chilly hands. I tried milk in a cup and he was having none of it, we'll be sticking to bottles for a little longer! It's so good that your little boy adapts easily! x

    1. Dylan sleeps through and so far he hasn't been phased by the blanket. I had to wake him up at 10am this morning for baby group! That was something I was nervous about though so we will see how he goes as it gets cooler x

  4. I think some changes are quite difficult to make when they're little and a lot of patience is often required, especially when moving from cot to bed. With my daughter, it was a different situation because she has autism and the changes didn't often go down too well. Autistic children need a very strict routine in order just to function.

    CJ x


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