Thursday, 30 August 2012

Life of a Foetus

It must be a bit of an easy life in the womb; lovely and cosy, fed on demand and nobody stopping you napping as you please.  Yes, there is plenty of growing to be done but no other worries as you are doing it.  Now that Squish can here what is going on outside the womb though, I wonder whether the things I do during my pregnancy affect the child that will be born.

As an unborn baby Dylan has heard plenty of live music including Less than Jake, Jimmy Eat World and Feeder.  It was when we went to a heavy metal gig that he decided to join in the moshing though and he is definitely a fan of a heavy beat now, often rocking an air guitar as well as the head bopping.  He went to see live comedians and travelled all the way to Morocco as a 25 week old bump,  where we enjoyed bartering in the souks, munching on tagine and camel riding (I realise this wasn't the most sensible idea but I couldn't resist).  Did any of this help shape the person he would become?

pregnant woman riding a camel, pregnant in Morocco

Squish is not being left out and has already
been to see Blur, The Specials and New Order amongst others and  will be lucky enough to hear Muse live at the O2 later this year as well as going to laugh at Michael Macintyre.  Squish will also travel as an unborn child to Barcelona, where there may not be camel riding but there should still be plenty of adventures! 

There is no lying around enjoying the peace for these babies as they have things to hear and places to go before they have even taken their first breaths.  Does it influence their personality though?  Will we be playing Muse to calm down a newborn squish? 


  1. Hehe. My little man went to see Muse at Wembley when he was in my belly and he dances to them now. So I'd say it's never to soon to get them into some decent music.
    Splodge is arriving a little to soon to get the Muse jiggling that their older brother got. We'll have to make do with Daddy phoning us for our favourites this time around! :) x

    1. Glad to see there are a lot of muse fans out there! Hope Slodge ha some great music taste too x

  2. My bumps were all well travelled and enjoyed horse riding, Metallica, Red Hot Chilli Peppers & Eminem concerts.
    They're all loud, bouncy and move around a lot maybe that's why?? xx

    1. maybe I should be singing lullabies and rocking gently now then so I can have a nice calm baby!?

  3. Your bumps have really done some things! When I was 35 weeks pregnant I did a substantial gorge walk, up and down slippy slopes right by a rocky river bed. I was incredibly proud of myself to say the least. I think it helped Leo come about 4 weeks later :-) xx

    1. Not sure these activities are necessarily safe but Dylan and Leo don't seem to have any damage from them! :p

  4. Wow your bumps have lived before they've even arrived :) I think the music you listen to does affect their personality (I've read somewhere that listening to classical music whilst pregnant makes babies more intelligent!) and they certainly remember songs they've heard in the womb.I used to sing Twinkle Twinkle to Riley every night when i was pregnant and it's been the only song to soothe and comfort him since being in the real world! xxx

    1. That is nice! Dylan still loves the Who - probably because I watched so much CSI when I was pregnant with him and it used to settle him when he was a newborn too x

  5. I love Muse AND Michael McIntyre. Move over Squish, there must be some room in that belly for me ;-D

    1. teehee, bet you would appreciate it more too!

  6. Dexter was born when Carly Rae Jepson was No1 - he had his first giggle to this and loves cheesy pop now. Even at 3 months you can see he's going to be a happy, smiley and cheeky little scamp.

  7. Your bumps are very lucky to have experienced these things before even being born!

  8. I used to go and watch my OH race his motocross bike most weekends when I was pregnant and when I took Iyla from a young age she used to fall asleep and not be at all phased by the sound of the bikes even though they are so noisy! x

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