Tuesday, 31 July 2012

You make me Smile - week 7!

Welcome back for week 7 of You make me Smile! After the unfortunate incident with my phone and a lot of water I have not had good access to a camera so there are not 3 good pictures this week although I have done my best.  I am looking forward to seeing your photos even more as I mourn the loss of my Galaxy s2.

This week we have been getting ready for Dylan's birthday on Thursday and planning his present.  I was incredibly lucky to get an email informing me I had won the very thing we were wanting to buy him!  It has saved us money and hassle and I am so excited to take him out for a walk on his new Smart Trike!

smart trike bee, first birthday present

I have a huge family and many live in different parts of the country.  This weekend a few were visiting and it was lovely to spend time with them and for Dylan to play with my cousin's little girl.  I want him to grow up with strong family values as I was lucky enough to grow up with a very close family. 

I am really enjoying the Olympics and loved the opening ceremony.  Watching twitter out the corner of my eye it was amazing to see such pride in our country and Danny Boyle did an amazing job!  I am watching lots of the swimming and Gymnastics and am looking forward to another couple of weeks.  Hopefully we will start to win a few more medals though!

olympic tv, olympic channels, you make me smile

So there are my 3 smiles, what has been making you smile this week?  Don't forget to grab the badge and link up below.  If you tweet me at @mummyadventure I will make sure I retweet your posts too.  I am looking forward to your 3 smiles!

You make me smile


  1. We never got round to getting Aaron one of those bikes that you push - I feel he is too old at 25 months now to get value for money out of it, but had intended on buying him one for his 1st birthday - ah well I hope you guys get great fun out of it.
    Sorry to hear about your phone.
    I too am really enjoying the Olympics.
    I have linked up.
    Take care, Liska x

    1. Thanks for linking up! It is probably not worth a smart trike unless you get them early but he could probably go straight to a normal trike at that age!

  2. Not good with the phone - but Dylan will love his trike x


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