Monday, 30 July 2012

Life with a baby changes Everything

Life with a baby changes everything - don't let people tell you differently.

Not in a bad way, but your priorities change.  

You find ten pounds down the back of your sofa and your options are that pretty T-shirt you were eyeing up in Zara or a day out at the zoo.  You normally pick the zoo.

It is a beautiful day and you are deciding what to wear.  There is a gorgeous strapless mini dress hanging up which will mean more skin on show and therefore less tan lines.  There is a dark T-shirt and shorts hanging next to it which will mean bending over the buggy and maintaining dignity and not flashing the whole beach when child decides to pull himself up using your top to steady himself.  You opt for the T-shirt and shorts.

You really fancy a take-away but you have everything you need in the cupboard to make a spaghetti bolognase from scratch.  It has been a long day and all you want to do is watch a film and eat something greasy, but you can't give the baby prawn toast and he needs to eat as well.  You sulk into the kitchen and cook some spaghetti.

Motherhood changes you.

The list may be a little one sided at the moment but my blog usually chronicals the wonderful things about being a mum.  Suddenly everything you do has a meaning.  

You see the beauty in
the small things and blowing bubbles can become an hours entertainment for you both.  

You have an ice breaker everywhere you go which is brilliant if you are not too confident around new people.  

You learn what unconditional love really is and that feeling that you will always have a purpose from now on.  

The cuddles and kisses that little person gives you are the best presents you can imagine and not a day goes past that you don't treasure.

But being a mother changes everything.


  1. I love this post, I can totally relate to this, as I think every mum can x

  2. What lovely words. Absolutely agree although I'm determined to keep my style even if I do flash a bit here and there. ; )

  3. This is all so true! I was actually nodding along! Especially with the dress and shorts. I often think if I am taking the car and having the get the pushchair out and put it away again after, then dresses are a complete no, no! Unless I want to show anyone and everyone everything! xx

    1. I have a couple of pairs of shorts that are now solely used under dresses. I love my summer dresses!

  4. This is a great post. I remember somebody once telling us just before our eldest was born that we would never again utter the words "I am just popping out" - how right she was!

    1. haha I remember the days of 'popping out', you're right - long gone!

  5. Oh this post is so so so so very true. I even feel it now, after 2 years (or 25 months).
    And the comment above mine from Dad etc is so true too.
    Liska xxx

    1. I have no idea when things change, I get the feeling once a mum always a mum though!

  6. Absolutely spot on! I also find the instances where a change of clothes is required are becoming less and less, for example, pre-baby a yoghurt spillage would definitely mean a change - now a small milky sick is fine as long as I have a baby wipe handy (which of course I always do!). And of course lukewarm tea - was there ever any other way to drink it?!

    1. It would have to be something pretty horrendous to warrant a change of clothes now, thank goodness for babywipes!


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