Monday, 23 July 2012

Finally some Sun - Picnic and Carnival

We had given up hope of seeing the sun. 

Summer dresses had been stuffed to the back of my wardrobe and my warm winter jumpers were getting a lot of wear.  Birthday parties had been moved inside and summer days out cancelled when the forcast changed.

Yesterday's beautiful weather looks set to be the start of our summer and we are making sure we enjoy every minute.  The suncream has come back out and my shades are set to be a permenant feature.  We spent yesterday picnicing in the glorious sunshine for a friend's birthday and tucked into some perfect homemade (not by me!) cupcakes. 

cupcake, pink glittery cupcake, pink chocolate buttons
They had even made a tiny one perfect for the little dude and his table manners were nowhere to be seen as he stuffed it in in one!

baby eating cake

We had great fun tucking into fresh bread, cheese and salad, playing on the swings and slide and catching up with the girls I have known for nearly 14 years!  We both started getting tired around 4pm and got ready for the walk home along the seafront.  

ramsgate harbour, ramsgate carnival

The roads were unusually crowded and a community spirit was in the air much like during the olympic torch relay last week.  Turns out it was carnival day and we were just in time to catch the procession.  Due to an unfortunate incident involving my phone and some water my camera of choice was out of order.  I dug out an old digital camera however as I love taking snaps but the pictures are not as clear as usual.

ramsgate carnival

marching band, ramsgate carnival

marine volunteer service, ramsgate carnival

A loud troop of vehicles and performers led by a fire truck and several police motorbikes kept Dylan entranced and the twirlers, marching bands and salsa dancers were lovely to watch.  There were some great causes raising money and plenty of whistles and helium balloons to purchase.

man on stilts, ramsgate carnival

We had a perfect day spending time with friends, enjoying the sunshine and  watching some great entertainment.  What have you been doing with this gorgeous weather?


  1. I used to love all the Thanet carnivals. Do you still throw pennies at the floats or have Health and Safety now ruled that out?

    1. The princess all have safety nets around the floats now and people come with buckets. I remember the good old days of throwing your pennies though!

  2. That looks lovely, and a very fun day. I am loving this weather we are having. x

  3. Looks like lots of fun and those cupcakes look yummy!!! x

  4. Looks like you had a great time. That cupcake looks tasty!!

  5. *ahem* 21 years.... :)


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