Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Carpet Creations

Have you seen those sweet nap time pictures before?  The ones where the parent has created a fantasy land around a sleeping baby, a human art attack almost?  Well Carpetright have challenged me to make my own and armed with a snoozy baby and some random props I have built five scenes around my sleeping baby.  Well four really as in one she is quite clearly awake - this is a baby who hates to sleep on her back and so her little eyes popped open as soon as I put her down that time.

Flying a kite made of muslins on 'mist' carpet
A snoozing bunny on 'peak district green artificial grass'

my little fairy flying high on 'lilac'
floating around on 'Lolita mosaic'
A caterpillar's picnic on 'highland design'

Carpetright are running a fantastic competition to win up to £1000 of vouchers so if you are feeling inspired by our creations then why not try your own?  Check out the Carpetright website  for more information.

You can share your own Carpet Creation, by either tweeting their picture to the @Carpetright Twitter handle, using the hash tag #carpetcreations, or alternatively visit the Carpetright Facebook page and upload your photo to our dedicated competition

What scene would you create? 


  1. I am super impressed, well done you, they're fab!


    This is way, WAY too cute!

  3. These are fab!! I particularly love Cora as the caterpillar on her front! Far too cute! Funnily enough we were thinking of doing some #capturesfromabove shots of Georgie asleep with a superman cape or something! It's so much better though when they are more diddy. So impressed with these :) x

  4. These are brilliant, I love the floating one. You really have better ideas than me, I wouldn't know where to start!

  5. Oh my gosh these are so cute!! Those bunny ears! I love the swimming pool one the best, I think. You've done an amazing job, love the props. We have a very similar shade to the Mist one, also from Carpetright, in our bedrooms and on the stairs - I really like it, such a great neutral shade.

  6. Oh my goodness!!!!! What an absolute cutie pie!!!!!! All need to be in frames! x

  7. Awwww Bex.......these photos are brilliant. That one of Cora in the rubber ring is adorable. I still can't get over how much she looks like the boys xx

  8. OMG bex these are gorgeous!!


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