Monday, 19 September 2016

What Mama Wore - Radley Bag

My pre-pregnancy clothes don't fit, my hair usually needs a wash, I often have a wet patch on my left shoulder that Cora just loves to lick and every morning when I dress myself I have to think about how practical my outfit is for breastfeeding in.  My wardrobe needs updating desperately but I keep putting it off with a 'I will start eating healthier / doing more exersize' and fit back into the jeans that tease me every morning when I open the doors.  When Radley offered me a new handbag, the obvious answer was yes!

Every Mama needs their own bag, something a bit more grown up than a baby bag, something without crumbled up rice cakes and empty nappy bags in the bottom.  We all deserve something that makes us feel good and this bag is it for me. 

Baby bits are banned, no wipes, no dummies, no toy cars and lego bricks.  This bag is for me and when the day comes where I can leave the house without a baby attached, this will be the bag that accompanies me and reminds me of all the things I am as well as a Mama.

For now it is kept high up so that no Playmobil people or plastic keys mysteriously find their way in.  It is kept baby free even when I want to quickly throw a nappy in there rather than open up the changing bag and it is looked after, kept special in anticipation of the day I leave Cora at home and venture out without her.


  1. I adore Radley and this colour is gorgeous!! x

  2. Oh my, I am completely in love with that bag. Major swoon. The colour is absolutely stunning. And I love your t-shirt too. Hugs Lucy xxxx

  3. Oh I love Radley! What a beautiful bag x


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