Wednesday, 24 December 2014

This Christmas

This Christmas it has taken me a little longer to feel festive.  I have watched the films, worn the socks and gone for walks just to see the lights, but I think the tiredness that comes from being pregnant with two children has meant that I haven't had time for everything we planned.

We tried to not start the festivities too early so that we didn't get bored of them by the big day, but our month has still been packed with a trip to see The Snowman up in London, afternoons spent exploring in Covent Garden with the giant tree and Lego sleigh, a nativity at Pre-school (in which my snowflake was undoubtedly the star), Christmas jumpers, decorating the tree, plenty of shopping and of course opening our advent calenders every morning.

Most of the presents are wrapped, and we are off to my parent's house for the big day so we get to skip the hectic Tesco dash.  My little Christmas pudding is cooking away nicely, and the benefit of stretchy maternity jeans will be seen fully when the turkey is served! The boys are looking forward to Father Christmas coming through the front door (It would be silly for him to come down the chimney when we have a door apparently!) and Archie is wishing everyone Mesmas (or Merry Christmas in toddler talk).

This year I can't wait to see their excited faces, to see them open their presents, spend time with family and consume far more sugar than we ever allow at home.  I get the feeling Christmas is only going to get more magical as they get bigger and understand that little bit more, but at 3 Dylan certainly understands even if Archie isn't always sure.

I wanted to take a nice picture to put in the christmas cards for my close relatives, but despite the boys both being pretty happy, they were not interested in smiling or staying still (as toddlers often aren't!).  I thought I would share our best efforts though, and wish you all the merriest of Christmasses. 


  1. These photos are all perfect. Merry Christmas xxx

  2. They are so cute! Merry Christmas Xx

  3. Aww they're so very sweet - what a lovely set of photos - I hope you all had a very merry Christmas :)

  4. They seem to have such a lovely bond, Bex. I can tell that you're raising good people.


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