Monday 29 December 2014

10 Weeks to go (ish)

Well I guess it could be anything up to 12 weeks really, but 30 weeks pregnant means I have approximately 10 weeks left to go until we meet our baby Pretzel.

30 weeks pregnant, 30 week bump

I am not known for being organised, and with two boys already, we have nearly everything we need, but I am not prepared in the slightest for the arrival of our third baby boy.  Whilst other mums seem to be packing hospital bags and writing birth plans, I am living in denial that our little guy could be here soon.  I am so excited to have him in my arms, to meet the person I have been carrying for so long, but I am in no rush to give up my bump, or the hand to child ratio which works so well for us.

Going from one to two children was a massive jump, suddenly there were two small people vying for my attention, two mouths to feed, two nappies to change, two children to dress and two to settle in a pushchair before we left the house.  Having one adult to one child suddenly felt like a luxury, and although it took some getting used to, I still remember feeling like superwoman the first night I got both my children ready for bed single-handedly.

Three is throwing another into the mix, making me so outnumbered, I will have more children than hands.  I will have three to get ready and dressed in the morning, and we will have to be out before 9am three times a week for the Pre-school run too.  By the time our little pretzel is 6 months old, we need it perfected as the school run will be every day, and I don't think they are as relaxed about us turning up late as the nursery is!  

In ten weeks (or so), Archie stops being the baby of the family and becomes a big brother.  Whilst Dylan took to his role without a second thought, Archie is that little bit older, he is a different child and it is going to be a big change for him.  At the same time Dylan becomes the big brother to two younger siblings, something so new for him.

Dylan and Archie have a special bond and most of the time they are the best of friends.  They ask for each other as soon as they get up, fall asleep chatting and giggle and play together so well.  Their relationship has grown as Archie has, and the more mobile and vocal he gets, the more these boys enjoy each other's company.  How will an extra person impact that? I don't want the boys to lose what they have, but I want Pretzel to be a part of it too.  With Dylan off to school in September, will Archie and Pretzel become closer?  There are so many possibilities and I have no idea how things will go.

By the end of March, our family will be one person bigger and my tummy will be one person smaller.  I know nothing about this baby, I don't know how big he will be, how eager he will be to arrive, whether he will be content, cuddly, colicky, healthy, like one of his brothers or completely different.  

10 weeks sounds so long in some ways, but I know that it will just fly by, as most of this pregnancy has.  Here I am at 30 weeks pregnant with baby Pretzel.


  1. Wow, this pregnancy has flown by! Can't believe you're 30 weeks already! You're looking great!! xx

  2. Gosh your pregnancy seems to have flown by! You look utterly amazing. Beautiful photos :) x

  3. Three is a big jump - and the school runs are definitely hard to start with but very quickly you realise you've nailed it and everyone is getting there on time x

    1. I am looking forward to the challenge in a way, just not the early mornings!

  4. Time is going ridiculously fast here too - I'm a few days behind you but with a planned section I only have 10 weeks left now and it's TERRIFYING. I don't feel in the slightest bit organised either

    1. I am so far from organised but I don't want to walk past a bag every day for the next ten weeks getting impatient either!

  5. I can't believe you are 30 weeks! Your bump is gorgeous, you will all take on your new roles perfectly!
    Kerry @ Lived With Love | Mummy, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog x

  6. When I was expecting Pip and having some of the same wonderings and concerns a very wise blog friend and now mama to five told me not to fear three, and so I'm paying it forward and saying the same to you. Two to three is not as big a jump as one to two. You are already used to being outnumbered, you have your coping mechanisms already in place for when they both need you at the same time, and you can do it. I'm not promising that it will always be sunshine and unicorns but I do know that most of the parenting I find tough at the moment is simply because I have a four and a two year old, Pip has slotted into family life and it feels like we've never been less than a five. And for what it's worth I don't think I packed my hospital bag until at least 38 weeks!

    1. I am hoping that pretzel just slots in too, and I am almost certain he will just be in the sling along for the ride most of the time! You seem to be doing amazingly with three, so I will be coming to you if I need advice!

  7. I really enjoyed reading this Bex. I always said we were done at two, and I think to be honest I still feel like that a little, but there is still a part of me that would like a third, I don't feel completely done. But I do worry that three is a huge jump so I will look forward to reading your journey as a Mummy to three. I know that you will be amazing as Mummy to three boys- and can you imagine three teenage boys looking after you when your older? So lovely! Your pregnancy seems to have flown by! x

    1. The bloke thought we were done at 2 but clearly my body had other ideas! I am really nervous and excited about the jump though.

  8. Oh you look BEAUTIFUL and I am so, so jealous that you get to do all of the newborn bit again so soon!


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