Sunday, 28 December 2014

A Little Look at Christmas

My camera only came out a couple of times over Christmas, we were too busy laughing and eating that it was the last thing on my mind.  Our Christmas was spent with family, a day with mine and a day with the blokes, and then back to mine again.  We ate two turkey dinners, plenty of cake and our fair share of cheese too.

Dylan and Archie were surrounded by loving relatives and gifts and we are currently readjusting and having a bit of a Christmas comedown as we head back to eating a normal amount, chocolate being a treat and having some quiet time and TV again.  Our Christmas was magical, funny, delicious and special.  It was our last as a family of four and I can't wait to have four special guys in my life to share it with next year.

Dylan really got the idea of presents this year and wanted to open everything under the tree no matter whose name was on it.  Archie had fun but once he was done, he point blank refused to open any more.  Father Christmas had strategically placed the satsuma at the top of their stockings, and once they unwrapped it, both boys decided to sit and eat that before moving on to anything else.  When you let a one year old peel his own orange, it takes quite a time! 

Here are a few snaps from the day ( - I only remembered to get my camera out in the first place because Dylan had such fantastic bed hair)

So proud of himself once he (eventually) finished peeling his satsuma

messy Christmas faces, Chocolate and toddlers
Chocolate coins = messy faces!

A quick breakfast and snuggle on the sofa before presents

Big brother helping little brother

melissa and doug latch board, melissa and doug, Christmas 22 months
This Melissa and Doug latches board was a massive hit!

playmobil castle, falcon knights castle

brothers and Christmas, christmas jumpers, novelty christmas pair
Off to Grandma and Granpa's house in their Christmas jumpers

Christmas jumper family, family christmas shot, family christmas photo
My crazy bunch

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas!


  1. It looks like you had an amazing Christmas - and I love the Christmas jumpers!

  2. I love their Christmas jumpers! So glad you had a good time :) Xx

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, I love their matching hats! x

  4. OH THOSE JUMPERS! All four of you are adorable!

  5. Aww love the pictures! I was the same as you and hardly took any photos either. x

  6. Looks like you all had a fab day! I wish we had taken more photos but kind of got caught up in the moment. Loving your jumpers! xx

  7. Merry Christmas! Good to see a wonderful time being enjoyed.

  8. I love a good Christmas jumper, you all look fab in yours.
    Lovely Christmas photos, looks like you all had a lot of fun - cute idea with the scratch cards too!


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