Thursday, 27 November 2014

Our Advent Box

The first of December is withing touching distance and I am getting just a little excited! I have tried to keep away from most of the early festivities so that I don't have to wake up to 'Is it Christmas now?' every day for too long, but from December 1st we will be in full flow.  

Last year, we had a box of goodies downstairs for the boys on December 1st and this year we are doing something very similar.  It is partly practical things, but we want to start the magic early, so here is our Advent Box.

Advent Box, december box, getting ready for Christmas, advent for toddlers

Both the boys have a new pair of festive pyjamas to wear from Gap, and some funky Christmas socks to keep their feet warm as the weather gets colder.  They have a book - The Grinch stole Christmas - which we choose as they both love the Cat in the Hat and the other Dr Seuss books we have, alongside an activity book full of things we can do and make over the month.

I bought Archie a new nappy as I couldn't resist this TotsBots Frugi print, and I got Dylan a reindeer mug for those snuggly evenings with hot chocolate.  The boys also have a lovely plate sent to us by Born Gifted with their names on the bottom, so we can start getting excited about the big day.

As well as a more traditional advent calender, they have this gorgeous playmobil one which I know is going to be a big hit! I can't wait to see the little santa and reindeer!

I can't wait for Monday knowing that Dylan understands so much more, although I am a little scared of putting Archie and a tree in the same room! 

Disclaimer:  The plate and the advent calender were sent to us but everything else has been paid for by myself.


  1. Ahh I love those pyjamas! I'm the same, wanting to set up traditions for the kids, and we're beginning with the Gingerbread House tomorrow, followed by pudding making for Stir Up Sunday. Bring it on!

  2. I'm doing a scavenger hunt for an advent calendar this year for toddler but love this box idea, think I will use it when toddler and baby are a bit older

  3. I have a friend using books as an advent calendar-- wrapped 24 Christmas books, so her girls can pick one each night to open and read before bed. Collecting books now to do this next year with my currently 2.5 year old. :-)


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