Saturday, 17 March 2012

Over reacting?

I think of myself as quite a laid back mum.  I have never taken Dylan to the doctors, I have always been a little slack on the sterilising, and my house is far from spotless.  I am of the opinion that what doesn't kill them makes them stronger.  Children can grow up in too much of a bubble, and they are usually the ones who develop allergies to anything and everything.

I was blessed with a healthy child.  Other than the occasional runny nose, Dylan has been happy and healthy for 7 months, and I have had no reason to panic.  Until now.
 For 24 hours, he couldn't hold down a thing.  And when he was sick, it was projectile, and enough to cover the both of us head to toe.  My happy healthy baby has a hoarse cry, and refused to leave my arms. (What is even more difficult is that it coincided with an extremely tiring hangover.)

I was coping with the diarrhoea- it was mostly contained by the nappies and I have to admit we have been using disposables whilst it is bad.  I can cope with the cuddles, in-fact I quite like cuddles, but the vomit is pouring out, and my washing machine is struggling to keep up!

 I was so worried I ended up calling NHS direct (as it is a weekend) for reassurance that he would not dehydrate.  Suddenly I felt like a worrier and I didn't care.  My baby was sick and I couldn't make him better.  The nurse I spoke to was lovely and they were very helpful, although some of the routine questions did make me wonder who phones NHS rather than 999 if their child has stopped breathing/ turned blue and lifeless?

Luckily he had a little milk 3 hours ago and so far it hasn't come back up so there is something in his poor little belly.  I take back any criticism of over-reactors, because that helpless feeling is the worst!  I would do anything to take away the pain from him.  As I write this he has been asleep for just over 2 hours and I have checked on him 3 times.  His intermittent cough is reassuring as I know he is still OK up there.  Hope he gets better soon!


  1. Oh hun, I'm sos orry he's not well. It's awful isn't it when they have these bugs? All I can suggest is to only dress him in a nappy and vest so it keeps the amount of clothing he's sick on down to minimum! Hope he gets better soon! x

    1. I think I need to wear a nappy and vest too as he keeps being sick on me. Thanks for the comment

  2. Oh no hope he makes a speedy recovery, Honey had a similar thing and it lasted 48hrs, horrible xxx

    1. only got 12 hours left then - I can cope with that!

  3. Oh no, poor little chap. Glad he seems to be on the mend. I hate the vomit thing. I can cope with pretty much anything else parenthood throws at me, but I leave the Dad to do that bit! Don't worry about worrying (if you know what I mean). We all do it, especially first time round, and it is like the whole world stops until they are better again. Please don't feel guilty about using disposable nappies either. We use them all the time, let alone on runny-poo days. Get well soon, little person. :)

  4. Thank you! I will tell the bloke that all tomorrow's sick is definitely his job! He is still asleep, but going to check on his again in a minute - can't resist!

  5. I think going with your instincts isn't over-reacting. Sometimes you just know it's serious. Poor Dylan - and you. Hope he's better soon. There seems to be some horrible bugs going around.
    My GP sent me and Blake up to the hospital children's ward a few weeks ago because his temperature was so high and he was throwing everything up. But some antibiotics ended up sorting it out.
    It will pass - but knowing you can't take the pain away is awful. I feel for you xxx

    1. He is much better today just very very cuddly (could be worse), thanks for the reassurance

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  7. Oh dear, sounds like it was gastroenteritis? When The Boy is like this, I withhold all milk and food for 24-48 hours, he just has warm water and only in sips. Milk can exacerbate the sickness because it gives the bacteria something to feed on.


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