Thursday 14 May 2020

The Corona Questionnaire

I have seen this on my Facebook feed, a set of questions that people are asking their children, getting to know their understanding of what is going on, their mood through it all, their reactions and I wanted to ask mine, but to make sure I can always look back on their answers, I have decided to put it on here, so here is my 13 question Corona questionnaire and the answers each child gave. . . 

1)What is the Corona Virus

Dylan - Poorliness
Archie - A virus which is the most bad one, because it spreads really quick
Finn - It is why we can't go to school
Cora- I don't know

2) Who is the Prime Minister

Dylan - I don't know
Archie - Donald Trump
Finn - I don't know
Cora - I don't know

3) How many days have we been in lock-down? (correct answer is 7 weeks and 3 days when I asked)

Dylan - 50
Archie - 2 weeks and three days 
Finn - 42 weeks
Cora - Shows me all her fingers

4) What is Mummy wearing?

Dylan - Clothes
Archie - Clothes
Finn - White t shirt and pink + white trousers
Cora - Pink and white

5) Do you want to go back to school?

Dylan - Yes
Archie - Kind of
Finn - Yes
Cora - No

6) Who is the first person you are going to hug when lock-down ends?

Dylan - Cora
Archie - I don't know if I will hug anyone but probably Daddy
Finn - Harvey (school friend)
Cora - Dylan

7) Where is the first place you want to go when it is over?

Dylan - France
Archie - On holiday
Finn - The playground with a zip-line in
Cora - Stay at home, I really like being at home with all the fun things to do

8) What do you think we can do to get rid of the virus?

Dylan - Stay at home and be healthy
Archie - Stay inside
Finn - Stay at home until it has all gone
Cora - Poo on it

9) Is Mummy a good teacher?

Dylan - Yes
Archie - No
Finn - Yep
Cora - Yeah

(real answer is no!)

10) If Corona Virus was an animal, what animal would it be?

Dylan - An elephant
Archie - A pig because they always splash in mud which gets dirt and viruses all over them
Finn - A lion
Cora - A dog

11) How did the Corona Virus start?

Dylan -  People didn't wash their hands
Archie - In Scotland?
Finn - With germs
Cora - I really don't know

12) If you had to wear protective clothing to help you, what would it be?

Dylan - Armour
Archie - A glass suit
Finn - Armour made of diamonds
Cora - A dog t shirt and a dog hat

13) Are you happy?

Dylan - yes
Archie - yes
Finn - Yes
Cora - yes

At the time of Answering, Dylan is 8 years 9 months, Archie is 7 years 2 months, Finn is 5 years 2 months and Cora is 3 years 10 months 

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