Thursday, 25 April 2019

What the Kids Wore // Alba

Growing up, we had a blossom tree in our garden and it always felt like the flowers came from nowhere.  All winter the tree was empty and then almost overnight we were greeted with this spattering of pink on the tree and all over the grass.  It meant Spring was here and all around colours and life would be sprouting. It still makes me excited now when I see the park lined with pink blossom trees

I have been buying the children clothing from Alba since Finn was a baby and I was really excited this summer when they sent us these outfits for the children.  Their clothes are inspired by Majken's (the founder) own childhood and I love the retro vibes, the bright colours and the super soft organic cotton that is it all made from.  Everything is soft and stretchy and designed for children that love to move.

I want my children to have a similar childhood to mine where they are free to run barefoot in the garden, climb trees and play outside as much as possible and we love living so close to this beautiful park.  There is a lovely little nature garden where we can watch the tadpoles swim and turn into frogs, where we can look for plants and flowers and bugs and talk about the world.  

You have to feel these clothes in real life to know how soft and comfortable they are because I can't get it across in a picture but I think you can see how much the children love them.  Cora gave her dress a cuddle before she put it on and announced ' I love pink, I love my new dress, I am so lucky today!' and Finn asked if I could wash it straight away so he could wear it the next day.  

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