Thursday, 7 March 2019

Five Reasons We Love Camping as a Family

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The way we travel has changed since we had children and now camping is one of our favourite ways to get away.  We have stayed in tents, caravans, mobile homes and everything in between and there are so many reasons why this makes seeing the world as a family more fun.  These are the top 5 reasons why we love camping as a family

1) Camping is usually the cheapest accommodation which means that we have more money to spend on treats whilst we are away (and we can justify more trips!).  Pitching our own tent is the cheapest, but staying in a mobile home usually costs a fraction of the amount of a hotel and we mix it up between these two.

5 reasons to love family camping, family camping, camping with kids,

2) All the campsites we have stayed at have great outdoor spaces and the children love throwing on some clothes and being outside straight away.  They love exploring the area, swimming in the pools and playing in the playgrounds.  I love the fresh air, the detox we naturally get from screen time and how exhausted the children are from it all every evening!

3) Everything we need is in one place.  Most campsites tend to have a shop, a restaurant, a swimming pool and some entertainment which means everything is accessible and we never have far to go.  It meant we could stop taking a stroller much earlier as the children can manage everything on foot.

5 reasons to love family camping, family camping, camping with kids,

4) Having four children means we can never fit in a single hotel room and we don't always want to be split up.  Camping is perfect for bigger families as we can arrange a bigger tent or caravan to accommodate all of us and we can put the children to bed in their rooms and still have some adult space to stay up late if we want to.

5) When we are planning our holidays, top of the children's list of priorities is the chance to make friends.  They are such sociable beings and they want the opportunity to meet other children to play with, either in kids clubs, at the playground or just running around and we always find campsites to be really sociable for both adults and children. 

5 reasons to love family camping, family camping, camping with kids,

We have been looking at Yelloh Village for a camping holiday as they have 84 luxury campsites across France, Spain and Portugal including some that are perfect for winter ski holidays!  Their sites have something for every type of camper and great facilities and I love the term 'open air hotels'. These photos from some of our camping adventures last year are making me really desperate to go again!

5 reasons to love family camping, family camping, camping with kids,

Are you tempted by camping or already converted?


  1. We have tried camping a few times as a family and I don't think we have quite embraced it like you have! Your children seem to really be at one with the outdoors and just being together whereas ours struggle without their home comforts. I think we'll still do it once a year or so - then it feels like a proper adventure! x

  2. I've never taken my two camping but it's on our bucket list for this year! Looks like you had a fab time x

  3. I've always wanted to go camping with the kids its just trying to organise it all.


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