Saturday, 30 June 2018

Me and Mine in June

I completely forgot that June was coming to an end so it is going to be a squeeze getting this post published in time but we managed to get a photo all the way back on the 27th.  We were clearing up Cora's birthday party as the light was fading and my Mum (who was helping the most!) offered to grab one of us quickly.  They are far from perfect but they are ones I am going to remember.

June has been full of sunshine and it really felt like the begging of summer.  I feel like there are times where we take the beach for granted but I am determined that this year won't be one of them and we have spent mornings, afternoons and evenings down there.  This was the month Cora turned 2 and I officially admitted she is now a toddler rather than a baby and the month we started preparing for a super busy July with all the end of school activities!

This month I have been loving mornings at the beach when we have the place to ourselves, home made iced coffee, a childfree day shopping with friends and playing football.

Ed has been loving a weekend at Download festival, bbqs in the garden, all the football and spending time with Archie.

Dylan has been loving after dinner beach walks, ice lollies after school, learning about the problems with plastic at school and preparing for his end of school play.

Archie has been loving our glamping trip away, riding a horse for the first time at his friend's party, being Kindness Champion at school and water play in the garden.

Finn has been loving having a bouncy castle in the garden, ritz crackers, watching people open Kinder Eggs and jumping at any excuse.

Cora has been loving her birthday party with all her friends and family, her new mermaid themed bedroom, looking after her 'baby' and her new yellow scooter.

It has been a great month and I hope July is as full of laughter!

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